Saving grace

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*Jay continued to bang at the door until it was finally opened by two guards who were about to start grumbling and telling him to shut up when they saw the king on the floor, unconscious, and immediately they sprang to life*
Mal: Ben! Ben please just wake up!
*as the guards came to take Ben to the doctor to be treated Mal pushed them away, crying her eyes out, unwilling to let him go, they struggled to take him away and in doing so Mal was accidentally knocked to the ground*
Evie: Mal!
*Evie and the others rushed to Mal and helped her up as the guards prepared to to ben away*
Mal: I'm coming with him
Jane: Mal I need you to come with me, I can't re-close the tunnel alone, I need your help, please
Mal: but I can't leave him, I definitely can't leave them
*in all the panic she'd forgotten they were there, she rushed over to the twins as Ben was taken away, Mal could only feel like she was being torn in a thousand different directions*
Jane: is there anyone you can leave them with?
Evie: I'll stay with them, if you'd let me?
Mal: I need you with me E
Evie: okay
Mal: Maurice, Ben's grandfather, I trust him and they've met him
Jay: I'll go get him, I'm the fastest driver here
Jane: no time for that
*Jane muttered an incantation and a puff of smoke Maurice appeared, rather dazed by the fact he was suddenly in the palace*
Maurice: what's going on?
Mal: can you please watch the twins, something's happened and I have to go take care of it, I'm really sorry but I need it to be you
Maurice: of course, but where's Ben?
Mal: there was an incident, I promise I'll explain as soon as I can
Maurice: alright, go now, they'll be fine here with me
Mal: thank you
Jane okay everyone gather round, it's much easier to do this when we're all huddled up
*they all huddled around together and Jane muttered another incantation, all Mal could think about was Ben, in mere moments he'd collapsed and in a frenzy of panic she hadn't even said goodbye to him, she should be with him but she couldn't be, she should be with her kids but she couldn't be, it was all such a mess, why couldn't her mother just give up, she'd lost, was that not enough for her? Why couldn't she just let it go? While all this was running through her head they had been transported to what looked to her like an abandoned mine that they dwarves would usually be mining*
Mal: so this is it?
Jane: yep, we just have to seal the tunnel and send anyone who doesn't belong here back to the island
Mal: sounds much easier than it's gonna be
Jane: well we've gotta hurry, before anything else can go wrong, we have no idea whether Maleficent is still in the catacombs or not, or if anyone else is in there, nothing could be about to happen
Mal: then lets stop talking for give me the spell
*Jane handed Mal a piece of paper with a spell scribbled on it, Mal quickly memorised the spell and then passed it back to her to put back in her pocket, they we're just preparing to start the spell and return everything to how it should be when suddenly*
Evie: Mal? Are you okay?
*Evie watched as Mal's eyes flashed green and she stumbled back, like she'd been over come by something....and she had as she suddenly began hearing a voice in her head*
Maleficent: well hello Mal


Confused? You probably should be, but if you've managed to only read these last few chapters once and actually fully understand what's going on then I applaud you because I'm slightly confused myself and I'm writing this, writing out what I'm picturing in my head is currently no simple task 😂😂 hope you're ready for what's about to come, but tbh, I'm 90% certain that most of you are not lol Xoxo

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