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*the drive home was quiet but sweet, the twins quickly fell asleep in their car seats as their father began driving them back to the castle*
Mal: thank you for bit giving up on me
*ben glanced to her and smiled placing his hand gently on her leg, squeezing it gently in support*
Ben: I will never give up on you
*she took his hand and smiled back at him, he brought her hand to his lips and planted a kiss gently on her hand, after a few moments more he tools his hand back and put it back on the wheel, it didn't take long to get back to the castle but were surprised when they found they were met by armed guards*
Ben: what's going on?
*lumiere came out from between come of the guards nervously to escort them inside*
Lumiere: we have no time to explain sire, we must take you to somewhere safe immediately
Mal: Ben?
*ben looked to his wife, seeing the fear in her eyes as she looked from him the their daughter who was safely in her arms, clearly afraid for them*
Ben: I've got you, you're safe with me, you're always safe with me
*she took a deep breath and nodded nervously, she watched, trying to control her nerves, as he took their son out of the car, gently kissed his forehead and then came and kissed the side of Mal's head as well, trying to reassure her, she tried to force a smile but just couldn't, at that point they were ushered towards the door, Ben kept an arm around her, knowing she'd feel at least a little bit safer knowing he was near*
Ben: where exactly are we going?
Lumiere: your study sire
Ben: why?
Lumiere: it's the safest place, it's fully prepared for a lockdown situation
Ben: lockdown? Why on earth is that necessary?
Lumiere: I cannot say until we are secure
Mal: Ben what about them?
*he looked from the kids to lumiere who's face didn't change at all*
Lumiere: I had what would be needed taken there in advance
Mal: Ben I don't like this
Ben: I know, it'll be fine
Lumiere: sire, I wouldn't be making that promise just yet
Mal: it's my mother isn't it?
*lumiere ignored the queen's question, being distracted by one of the guards whispering in his ear*
Ben: what is it?
*lumiere now ignored his king and continued leading them to his study, the rest of the journey remained silent, before long they arrived at his study, they were ushered in and just as Ben was about to ask lumiere what was going on again, the former candelabra was whispered to once again and pulled away*
Ben: what's going on?!
*he was given no reply as the door was shut on him, his annoyance was clearly visible as he turned back to Mal, he tried to read the expression on her face but couldn't, he was finding that more and more these days*
Mal: why now?
Ben: it might not be her
Mal: come on Ben who else is it gonna be?
Ben: there's an island full off villains
Mal: and a dome that's supposed to keep them there
Ben: and it will
Mal: then why are we here?
Ben: I don't know
Mal: I swear to god!
*her outburst left the young infant that she was still holding awake and in tears which only made her feel worse*
Mal: oh baby, I'm sorry
*she rocked her gently and soon she had calmed down but Mal was now weary not to upset her again*
Mal: I was this to end
Ben: Mal....
Mal: I don't think you understand what I'm saying to you
Ben: I can't imagine you could possibly mean why I think you're suggesting
Mal: she'd see me dead if it meant she could take your throne, she would burn our children alive, the children of a traitor, she doesn't see them as her grandchildren, they are their heirs to the kingdom, they're a threat, I will not let her hurt them, or you, I wanted to protect her before, a part of me still hoped she could change, she cannot and will not ever change and I won't let her hurt anyone ever again
Ben: I can't give that order, I can't do it
Mal: I understand, I would never ask you to, but I am the queen, I took on the role of caring for Auradon, I vowed to be just and fair and protect the people of this land no matter what, her fate will be my choice and if it comes to it, I will make that call, if necessary, I will do it myself
*she turned away from him to look out the window to the isle of the lost, something seemed off, she knew it did, but she couldn't figure out what*
Ben: I don't think you mean that
*but he had a shock when she turned back to him and he found her eyes blazing green, what had happened to suddenly switch her from the scared shell of his wife that he'd seen minutes ago when they'd been whisked away into the palace to the girl who stood before him, the spitting image of portraits that had been made of her mother at that age, he'd seen them before but he'd never been able to see more than a slight resemblance until his moment, the fire in her eyes and he look across her face worried him, he didn't want her to do something that there'd be no coming back from*


What do you think is happening? Is it Maleficent? Or something else entirely? What will Mal do if it is her mother? Could she give the order to have her mother killed or would the compassion she's learnt from her time in Auradon stop her? I'm actually quite proud of this bit, it was supposed to happen later on butt I changed my mind so let's see what happens Xoxo

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