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Chapter Twenty-Three; Fling

next day.

"Excited for our date tomorrow?" David said.

"Wait, i thought it'll be next week?"i said to him.

"Well, turns out. I'm not available next week. So if you like it or not we'll see each other tomorrow." He chuckles.


"Uhh, okay.. Well i guess you're the one who's excited." I said.

"So you're not excited to meet me? Ouch."

"Yes i am!"

"No you're not, i can hear the 'fake enthusiasm' in your voice, Shaking my head right now."

"Noo, i'm not faking it! Why would i fake it?"

"Cuz i'm annoying? I don't know."

"Yes you're annoying but that's not an excuse."

"Mhm, anywayyy, what are you doing?"

"Talking to this annoying guy instead of working."

"Oohh no, that'll make your job at risk. Tsk."

"Yes, it's because of you. Idiot." I rolled my eyes jokingly.

"What? It's me? Wait you didn't even say it's me, the guy you've been talking too."

"Wow, do you have a short term memory?" I joked.

"Nah, just kidding. Anyway, don't you worry about your future life with me my future wifey, cuz i've been working hard for our future!"

"You should be."

"Yes ma'am." He said.

After what he said we're silent for a minute.

And that makes me thought, I actually don't know what are we, like we've been talking or Flirting for a week, almost Two weeks. And, david isn't saying to me that i'm his girlfriend or any. We're just joking around.

"Still there queenie?" He asks bringing me back to reality.

"Mhm, yeah. What did you say?"

"I didn't say anything, except for the last sentence i said and this."

And there's silence between us again.

"Soo.." i said deciding to break the silence.

"Soo..." he mocked me.

"What are we?" I asked.

"Humans?" He joked

"I know silly, i mean, what should i call.. us?"

"Us? Well we already have one, You know. The future wifey and future hubby thingy?"

"No, i mean yeah.. but i mean, Are we even on a relationship?"

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