Chapter 9

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We made it back to the diner and I endured a raised eyebrow from Sang, who was acting as hostess this morning. "Just a table and water to start with." I said before my cheeks flushed with sudden color.

"Sure." Sang smirked and led them to a table. "Let me know when you're ready to order." She said.

"You're waitressing too?" I asked, surprised that she was pulling double duty.

"Only for a few hours. Sadie called in and Luke couldn't get anyone else in for a couple hours." She explained. "I don't mind. It's not that busy today."

"Thanks, Sang." I said as I slid into one side of the booth and Zack took the other side.

She went to retrieve water for both of us and instead brought us a pitcher and 2 glasses of ice. "Figured it was a long run today." She smiled.

"Thanks." Zack said as she dropped them off and he poured us both a glass of water. He pushed one to my side of the table.

"Thank you." I nodded and took a sip. "So now what?" I was very aware of the curious looks Sang was giving us and figured she'd end up talking to Luke about it.

"Well, I suppose we try to get to know each other better before our date tonight." His blue eyes twinkled at me.

"What a nice concept." I laughed. We talked for an hour straight while we drank 2 pitchers of water between us.

We managed to cover everything from favorite color to favorite snack. Favorite books and favorite movies... sports, actors, music. Favorite animated movie and favorite vacation spot – neither of us had too many to choose from but my favorite had to be the trip to Disney World when I was 13 and he had gone on a school trip to DC once. We agreed that a tropical vacation would be ideal at some point.

I told him about Shadow and he said he didn't have a pet right now but hoped to have a dog again someday. I told him about Max, Kota's dog while we looked over the menu before we ordered lunch.

I got the BLT with fries and encouraged him to have a burger if that's what he wanted. "You know, lay off the meatloaf for a day." I teased.

He rolled his eyes and the tips of his ears turned red as Sang looked at us in amusement. "Actually, I was thinking the spaghetti sounds good today." He said as we both handed our menu's over. "Ranch for the salad please."

"No problem. I'll get the order in right away." Sang smiled and collected the menu's.

"Carb loading after a run." I smiled. "nice."

He shrugged. "Making up for the fact that dinner might be nachos and mini hot dogs at the movie." He teased.

"As long as I get a large, extra butter and salt popcorn with some hot tamales and an icee, I'm okay with that." I retorted with a grin.

"Extra butter and salt?" He arched an eyebrow. "You know it's not real butter."

"Yeah, yeah... buttery soy based topping." I waved a hand. "Serves its purpose well."

He chuckled. "We'll get some milk duds too." He said.

"I do put my hot tamales in my popcorn." I warned him.

"I put my milk duds in my popcorn." He said with an even gaze.

"I suppose we can work something out." I said. "I do share... and I'll try milk duds in my popcorn."

He chuckled. "I suppose I can deal with hot tamales in the popcorn too. That strangely sounds pretty good."

"Oh, it's fantastic." I said.

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