Chapter 93

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So far, in the past week, I've talked to Josh five times, texted with him like a million times and met him for breakfast three more times.

Between my doughnuts, his doughnuts and the doughnuts I've picked up for Luke, I've now tried almost half of the menu at Glazed. And I desperately need to start running again or I'm not going to be in any other shape but round by the time I head to Paris and I'm going to need an extra seat or a seatbelt extender.

We won't discuss the near constant fluttering of butterflies that is my companion.

Nor will we discuss how great a kisser Josh is. Because we absolutely do not need to make comparisons between him and any of my ex boyfriends. But he's great. Really, really great.

"Hi baby girl." Mom came in and ran her hand across my shoulders as I tapped a pencil on the table while I planned a dessert bar for my new client.

"Hi mom." I smiled before jotting down lemon tarts on the list. They'd be amazing with the fresh blackberries that arrived on this morning's produce delivery at the diner.

She grabbed a bottle of water and sat down next to me. "So...when do I get to meet the new guy?" she asked.

I blinked at her. "New guy?" I tried to pull off innocence.

"Yes, silly girl. I know you have a new guy because you don't usually get up that early on your own without significant motivation." She eyed me and took a drink of her water. "And a guy would be very significant motivation."

I huffed a sigh. "Fine, fine. Yes. There's a new guy." I admitted.

"And?" She nudged me. "Is he cute? How old? What does he do?" She peppered me with questions.

"Geez mom." I frowned. "I think you need to finally find someone to date."

Her mouth dropped open and she stared at me.

"Has there seriously not been anyone in all this time?" I blurted.

She sighed and ran her hand through her hair, resting her chin on her hand as she looked at me. "There was a maybe at one point." She said. "But it never really went anywhere and to be honest, I had you and the boys and work... there wasn't hardly time to think about anything more."

"But mom, Kota and the others have been out and on their own for close to 8 years now and I'm about to go on a huge adventure of my own. I just don't want you to be unhappy or alone when I'm gone."

She reached out and smoothed my hair back. "I'll keep it in mind, baby girl. I can't make any promises, but I'll keep it in mind, okay?" I nodded. "Now, about this guy..." she grinned at me.

I rolled my eyes. "He's cute." I smirked. "A great kisser... he's a cop and he's two years older than me."

"A cop..." she murmured, her eyes locked on mine.

"He's in cyber. Works graveyard and isn't usually out and about, to be honest." I explained.

"I see." She nodded slightly. "A cop in the family would come in handy." She smiled.

I smiled back. "I was thinking that." I shrugged. "At least for a while."

"What do you mean?" 

"I mean, I'm going to Paris at the end of the year. I don't want him to just sit around waiting for me. We've already agreed that it ends December 29th and if it's not working out earlier then that...well, there's not going to be any hard feelings." 

"That's rather morbid for the relationship." She said, reaching out and tucking a strand of hair back behind my ear. "Are you sure you want to have a relationship that you've already ended?" 

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