'You'/Up and Coming

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Hey pumpkins. Now i'm sure some of you don't know this but I have a oneshot out called 'you'. Now don't get me wrong I love all of my stories because they are something I made, but this one fucking fic I hate so damn much.

I hate my fic 'you'. I hate the way its written, I hate the theme, I hate everything about it. I was tempted to take it down but because it has already been up for a while and plus others might enjoy it, so I decided to leave it.

But I also decided something else. I will make two books based off of the two chapters in that book. The first book is 'I Love You' and the second book is 'I Hate You'. I don't know when I will post them but sooner or later they'll be out! Hopefully i'll like them better than their predecessor.....

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