Story Time

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Alright pumpkins. Another journey to my past~~~~

((I was in 8th grade so this only happened some time last year.))

I was sitting in my last class of the day, writing class, doing my work. My ex was assigned the seat right in front of me so it was annoying. He had started talking to me about something but I just really wanted him to shut up. He had brought up love for some reason and had asked me if I like anyone or something like that (I can't remember exactly what he said but that sounds close enough). I had said yea I do and its not you and he asked who. I said someone you don't know. We kinda went back and forth for a while until I got annoyed and shouted 'I'm in love with a man whose 34 years old!' It wasn't super loud but it was loud enough for my teacher to look over at me with the most horrified look on her face. I had quickly scrambled to explain myself.

The person I was talking about was Levi, who is in fact not real (Oh but how we wish he was *sigh*).

After that my teacher kinda just looked away and continued doing what she was doing and my ex just shut up after that.

Embarrassing but True Story all the same.

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