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I came up with the perfect analogy for when you like/love someone...

Feel free to use it as you please.

When you first begin to crush on someone, you plant a seed in your heart. You may know that seed is there or you may not (willing liking someone and surprise crushes).

The more you begin to fall for this person the more you water and nurture this seed, until it grows into a tree.

Now if you start not to like this person anymore then the tree wilts because it is no longer being taken care of. Once all of the feelings are gone, the tree withers away.

If your love becomes true, then the tree bears fruit. If not then the tree stays barren.

If you are flat out rejected by them then the tree gets burned down because of the painful feeling.

But even a burned tree can be replanted for the same person.

If you decide to just give up on this person or it is mutually agreed that they want no more then the tree is cut down.

It can be frown again from the same stump.

Sometimes the tree will stay no matter what you do. It may eventually stop being watered but it also may not. A tree can stay for as long as there are feelings. It may go away over time or it may not. You may not be able to move on.

Even if you still have trees that have not bore fruit or had at one point and just doesn't anymore, it can still stick around.

That also means that you can grow multiple trees at once. You may have five tress but only one of them grows fruit and that's okay.

You may have a mix of burned trees, cut tress, and grown trees but that's okay.

The tree will forever remain as a memory in you heart's forest, let it be as ashes or as a stump, it remains there.

The forest of your heart can be very small or it can be very big. It depends on you.

I hope you guys like it! I actually really thought this out. I really love metaphors and analogies and I was very proud of myself with this one!

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