Planning Process

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I want to show you guys the process I go through when it comes to me writing a book/story. I will write the book process first and then the story process.


1a) Find a picture with a story prompt on it

1b) Have a random idea

2) Try to figure out a story based off of the idea

3) Think about what genre

4) Figure out if its gonna be oc or xreader

5a) Figure out what kind of x reader

5b) Who the oc will be

6) If there is a plot twist what is it

7) Write name of chapters and a couple sentences stating whats gonna happen in that chapter

8) Start writing


((Same steps 1-3))

4) What perspective will it be in 

5) What story it will be like/ What kind of new story

6) Write story

There might be a couple more steps but some of them are hard to explain without just showing you. Anyway that's a little in sight on how I write stories!

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