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As far as you all know, I am human. Well we'll go with that for now...........

Anyway I hate humans. It's pretty clear if you read my bio but just in case you didn't, I'll tell ya again. I hate humans.

Now don't get me wrong I do have 'friends' but they are still human (as far as I know). I even have a crush on a human (again as far as I know). But! That is because there are a select few humans that I tolerate enough to establish some sort of bond with. Any other time I just hate you guys.

Sorry not sorry. You guys kinda suck.

Before you say we're not all bad! I do not care. You are all human which means I hate all of you until proven otherwise. Even if I tolerate you, you are still human so I don't know if you can be trusted........ Even the ones I tolerate can be a bit overbearing (not always the case) and remind me why I hate humans. You guys are dumb.
I still love my pumpkins though (you guys). I mean you guys obviously aren't human if you like me. Anyway.........moosha out!

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