Story Time

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Hey look! Another story time.

Okay I don't remember how old I was but let's say like 8 or 9.

I was over my cousin's house playing video games with her. She had left to do something for her mom so I was just rolling around on the bed waiting for her. I was laying on the bed with my shoulders and up (including my arms) hanging off the bed. I was running my hands along the carpet when I felt a paper clip. For some reason I loved (and still do) paper clips. I grabbed and I unfolded it so that the sharp part was sticking up. I was just being dumb and playing with it. I thought I heard my cousin coming so I was getting up so we could finish playing. Now I still had the paper clip in my hand.

I pulled my hand up (with the paper clip in it) but I guess I pulled my hand up at super sonic speed because the paper clip had cut my cheek. I screamed a bit from the surprise but there wasn't any blood.

I ended up having a scar like the joker on my cheek (like legit it curves up from the corner of my mouth and stretches my smile out). So guess what my step-dad called me for like a month, the joker, honestly. I still have the scar but its not as noticeable. I actually kinda like it now.........

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