Picture #22

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I have no clue when I made this one but it's a rose.

I remember I first started drawing roses in art class last year. I was really depressed one day in class, crying and everything, so my teacher let me sit to the side and just chill.

I ended up drawing her a picture of a partially wilted rose who was losing its petals.

I don't have a picture of it, I wish I did, but it wasn't all that good anyway.

It had a kinda long poem on the back of it too but sadly I didn't write it down anywhere else. It was really fucking good too.

It was called The Everlasting Rose. It was basically about how you shouldn't give up and how you can get through anything, just like the everlasting rose.

She really liked it and hung it up on the cork board by her desk where she keeps works given to her from her students.

It made me feel a little better.

In the beginning of that year I didn't even like that teacher but after a while I warmed up to her and she always tried her best to help me out whenever I was having really bad depression episodes or when I just had something on my mind.

I wanted to take her class again this year but I ended up with a class that was a double block (two periods long) and didn't have enough room in my schedule.

I don't see her anymore now but she was a great teacher and a good friend.

I wish her well

Musha And I (and them)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon