'The Boy Who Cried Wolf' (2)

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I have a story out called 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf'. I really love that story and I think I did good on it. But I have two things to say about my story 'the boy who cried wolf.' Spoilers ahead so if you want to read the book, please do so now before reading ahead.

Okay the first thing is in the chapter 'Everyone Dies'. When Michael says "Go feed and leave my mark everywhere" (or something like that) he means the saying 'they didn't listen'. He wants the demons to write that in blood, everywhere.

Okay and secondly I wanted to talk about the epilogue. You know how the mother kept scowling and she went to go pray at the end? She didn't like her child. Her child had always been really disobedient and bad so she would pray to the' Demon Tamer' to take him away. And he finally did.

I hope that explains and solves some stuffs for ya!

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