Story Time

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Hi pumpkins! I am back with another story from the crypt!....... Oh I mean my childhood/past, hehe. Enjoy!

(This story is back from when I was in first grade, so I was around like 3, 4, 5, I don't know)

So back in my elementary school, we had a big field and a big playground. I'm sure you all know that in first grade we were antsy little assholes. Anyway there was a really big slide on the playground and when we had recess everyone always raced to see who would go down the slide first. Well, not everyone but a good majority of us (there was like 28 of us in the class).

This one time I was actually one of the first kids to reach the playground. Me, a girl (remember her), and like three boys were the first ones to get to the slide. The boys sat on the slide and wouldn't go down, so everyone was pushing trying to get down (this was a day when there was like 2 or 3 classrooms out on the playground at once so you know there was a lot of kids). Well eventually, we pushed the guys out of the way. What happened after though was horrible. I ended up going down the slide face first and I fell to the ground, but there were so many kids that no one noticed so I got stepped on by like 50 something people. I ended up having  2 or 3 shoe prints on my face and I'm pretty sure I was bruised up. 

Now back to the girl (remember her?). Remember she was next to me at the front of the line so when I got pushed down, she did too. The only difference is that when she got pushed, she got pushed off the side of the slide. Now this was one of this big twisty slides so she fell quite a distance and plus she was a first grader too so she was small and a bit fragile. Now if you thought what happened to me was bad, oh boy. When she got pushed off the side she fell and broke her arm when she hit the ground. 

I don't know if our/the class(es) got in trouble for any of that but I do remember that me and the girl were sobbing. At the time my mom was working as the teachers aid in my classroom so I think they might have gotten punished. Anyway, it was all true!!

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