Story Time

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Hey would ya look at this! Another story time!!!

I have no idea how old we were.

Me and all of my siblings and dad and his gf had came back from a buffet (I think). We were all full and good. Now I don't know what happened but for some reason every single one of us had to shit. We were all squirming, waiting for dad's gf to open the door. When she finally did we all took off and somehow I was the first one to get to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet and sighed with content. I was there for like 10 mins when I heard banging on the door. "Hurry up! I gotta booboo!!!!" It was my younger brother. "I'm still using it!" We went back and forth for like another minute ot two before he ran to the left which was to the adult's room. Now remember I was still in the bathroom so what happened next is just what I was told.

My younger bro went into my dad's room and stood there. My dad looked at him and said what do you want. "(My name) is still in the bathroom and I gotta go!" He shifted on his feet a bit. "Well then you just gotta wait." This also went on for a minute or so until my bro just got real quiet. No sound was made for what felt like an eternity. He looked down at his feet and then back up at my dad. "I just boo boo on myself."

He had stood there and shit on himself. But oh no, it was not regular shit. It was diarrhea. Liquid shit. What made this even funnier is that the shorts and shoes he was eearing weren't his! They were one of my older brother's.

I had finally gotten out the bathroom and my bro rushed in the bathroom. I walked into the children's room and asked what happened. They told me everything. We heard the shower running and we all started laughing. The shower finally stopped and we started shushing each other. My lil bro walked into the room and we all just looked at him silently. He looked at us and said "Y'all can laugh...." Now when I say we died, we died laughing. We laughed for a good 5 mins straight.

Anyway now whenever we bring it up we all laugh about it, including my lil bro. And no matter how much my dad's gf scrubbed and cleaned the shit spot the stain never went away so there was a constant reminder (they live in a different house now). But don't think that when I say lil I mean he was 3 or 4. Oh no. I had to be around 7 or 8 maybe and he was only a month younger than me so he was pretty old.

It sounds unbelievable but it was all true!

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