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Okay pumpkins. For some reason I flinch a lot. Like for no reason sometimes. Yesterday my mom raised her hand and hit her thigh but when her hand went up I thought she was going to hit me so I flinched. Before you guys say anything, no I do not get whoopins and I don't get beat (only like once but I already talked about that in a previous story time). 

I like to believe its because of something that had happened to me in a past life but I just can't remember it. I believe in past lives and reincarnation but like only for some people. Like.....this what I mean. Some people get reincarnated, some become angels, some become demons, some go to limbo. That's what I believe (don't ask me the criteria for each because that's not important). 

I also think that the past life thing connects with how I sleep or how I used to at least(I don't think it has happened recently but I be sleep so how should I know) (again I already discussed that in a previous story time). Well in any case it makes sense to me.

Musha And I (and them)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz