National Coming Out Day

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Hello people!

Today is National Coming Out Day!

I have already came out to my parents and a good bit of my family and..........

They all support and love me even if I'm pan(sexual) and (gender)fluid!!!!!

I hope you all who are still in the closet get accepted and loved for being whoever you want to be. No matter what, always be yourself! Don't change for anyone except yourself!

For those of you who are out and are still loved then congratulations! I am so happy that you have people who love you for who you are and not what you are.

For those of you who are out and not accepted. I'm so sorry that everyone is so cold hearted and single minded. No matter what you do, I will always accept you.

That is all for today! I'll talk to you pumpkins later!!!!!!!!! 😘😛

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