Story Time

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This is a story from my childhood. Their names will not be mentioned!

(I was like 5 the twins were 5 and my older brother was like 7 or 8)

Me, my older brother and my twin brothers were in the kitchen. I was sitting on a chair and my older brother sat on the floor between my legs. The twins were standing in front of us making jokes. They were being hilarious and I was laughing hard. I can't remember if my older brother was laughing but I think he was. Anyway I was laughing hard and they were being funny. Suddenly I had to pee. I didn't want to leave and miss the jokes so I sat there and held it as best as I could. (Guess what happens next..........)

I started laughing harder and I ended up peeing on myself. Now remember my older brother was sitting on the floor between my legs so guess what happened to him? I peed on his back. At frist he didn't know that it was pee. He thought I had spilled water on him. He turned around to look at me and relized that I didn't have a cup anywhere near me. His eyes widen as he realized. He suddenly sprang up and ran to the bathroom screaming!

True story

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