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Before I start I would like to say that I am an African American (black) female.

Now, the word I am referring to is the n word. I can not stand it. Whether you say it with an a at the end or with an er, I just don't like it. When I was younger I used to say it all the time but that was only because whenever I was with my dad and siblings, that's all they used to say. They literally said it in every sentence and they still do. So I used to say it a lot. Now that I am older and I understand more, I don't like the word. I wish people wouldn't say it around me but I am also not going to reprimand you for saying it because you can say anything you like. I do not like the word, so I do not use it. I won't lie though there are times when I accidentally say it but that's only because for the past 12-13 years of my life (I am 15 btw) I was 'trained' to not think of that word as being 'bad'. I try my best to not say it and I wish others wouldn't say it around me but again like I said I won't tell you off for saying it. I might ask you to not say it around me but I most likely won't (mostly because I get shy). That's all.

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