Story Time

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  This is a story from my childhood. Their names will not be mentioned! 

( I don't remember how old we were)

Me, my younger brother and the twins were all outside (there was like a miniture forest perserve next to our old house. Not many trees but it was like a big field with a couple of trees). We were running around doing kid stuff until our older brother came outside. He looked at us and did the follow me motion. Of course we followed him as he walked to the back yard (wasn't really a back yard it was more like a cement platform next to a tree in an alleyway). He reached into the tree and pulled out a perfectley shaped stick (it was shapped like a Y/slingshot). He pulled a rubber band out of his pocket and put it on the stick. He stepped back and scanned the tree. Inside sat a black bird(not a crow but it was black), he shook the tree making the bird fly away. Once the bird was in flight he quickly took a rock and aimed at it. He quickly released the rock and hit the bird spot on. It fell to the ground in front of us with a plop. We were all so amazed by our big brother but what happened next may just be a bit psychotic....

My younger brother grabbed the bird (I think he picked it up with sticks but I might be wrong). He looked at us and said he had an idea. We all ran over to our little forest. He told one of the twins to grab a medium sized flat rock and he told the other to get a long thick stick. The twin with the rock dropped it in front of my younger brother. He put the bird on top of the rock and took the stick from the other twin. He told all of us to stand back. We all ran backwards in different directions. Suddenly he started to bash the corpse with the stick. He swung the stick down harder and harder each time. Suddenly as he came up from a swing, a red glob flew off the end of the stick and landed dead. smack. on. my. forehead. I didn't realize it until I felt it move or like pulse on my forehead. I screamed bloody murder and ran around crying. I was screaming 'get it off, get it off, get it off!' I ran around for about 20 minutes before my dad and his girlfriend pulled up and saw me.

I don't remember if we got in trouble after that but it was terrifying.

True story.

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