Midnight Thoughts (2)

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Time does not exist. Time is a concept created by humans to measure the change of things around us.

Time was made to tell us how long it took for A to become B. Whether it had anything to do with us or not.

To measure you sitting and watching TV at 10:30 am to you collecting the mail at 1:23 pm. To measure the sun rising at 6:42 am and setting at 8:25 pm. Time oversees it all.

If time did not exist these things would still change. The sun would still rise. You would still move. The world would still turn. These things do not rely on time and yet we have made it so that it fits a strict time. Everything has a correct place in time that can not be changed.

Time makes it easier for us to know what is going on. We would be lost without. We would never know when something would or should happen. Everything would happen abruptly and chaotically.

Time is a gift. It is supposed to be everlasting and continuous but eventually everyone and everything runs out of time.You may run out of time in 10 years or 10 seconds.

We may have created time but time rules over us. It is strict and demands to be heard. It refuses to wait for anyone and will continue on, with or without you.

Time is a madness and yet it is also a sanctuary.


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