Story Time

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This is a story from my childhood.

(me and the twins were like 8 and our cousin was like 7. also the older twin is gonna be ot and the younger twin is yt)

Ot, yt, my cousin and I were outside playing around. One of the kids from the house next door  came outside to play with us (he was like 6). For some reason the little boy brought a baby stroller with him. I think we had got into a argument with the little boy or something but he got mad. He pushed the stroller at us (scary I know) and ran away. When he pushed the stroller it actually hit my cousin in his mouth, making him bleed. We ran inside the house and told my step mom what happened. She got pissed real quick and walked outside. We followed her out and saw her standing in front of the neighbors door. She was arguing with the little boys mom. Oh yea she was also on the phone with my little cousins mom, so her and her sister were yelling and cursing. My step mom was getting pissed so she was ready to fight. My step mom had took her shoes off and everything. The little boy's mom started getting scared when she realized my step mom was gon beat her ass so she sent her son outside to apologize. It was funny but also kinda scary. True story.

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