Story Time

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Lookie here! Another one......

Remember the one about my first kiss being stolen? Well this one connects with that one. Although this one happens before the kissing one.

I was no more than 6 yrs old but I don't know the exact age.

My cousin, me and two of the neighborhood boys (boy A and boy B) were playing outside. The boys are both brothers btw. Anyway we were bored and just walking around. We had walked past a stop sign but boy B decided to have some fun. He walked up to the stop sign and started kicking it. We looking at him like he was stupid. We like come on man stop doing that but he wouldn't listen. Suddenly he kicked it but a beehive fell out. We all ran as a bunch of bees chased us. We tried to run back to our houses. I ended up tripping over some loose concrete. My cousin ran back and carried me but it was too late. A bee had gotten close enough and landed in my ear. It stung me as we all ran to our houses. I was brought in the house and I was crying.

After that I don't remember what happened but I do remember sitting in front of the computer with tobacco in my ear to help with the sting wound.

Anywho true story.

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