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Alright pumpkins little know fact about me...........

I'm pan-sexual

I'm also gender fluid

Now the confusing part is loving everyone and also being everyone. I could feel like a guy for the day and then I like a guy. I think 'Am I gay or straight?' Or if i'm a girl and I like a girl its like 'Am I a lesbian?' It gets even funnier when I feel like neither or both. Or when I don't even know what I am for the day/moment! Also when a female is like 'oh i'm straight!' and i'm like 'well shit i'm a guy anyway!' Funny af. Too me at least. 

This made me think about A........ They don't know that i'm pan and fluid. I wonder what their response would be. Muhahahahahahahah!!!

(((I also think im asexual cuz ya know i hate everyone. i dont like people.......but at the same time i love everyone..........really confusing huh?)))

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