Short Story

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Major trigger warning!!! You have been warned.


We met at the beginning of the school year. I was new to the school and he was tasked with helping me out and showing me around.

"Hello, my name is Michael. I'm supposed to help you to all of your classes for today." He smiled softly at me. His brown eyes glistening in the sun. 'Is this what love at first sight feels like?'

After my first day, I continued to talk to Michael. We got along greatly. We were best friends only after two months.

"Sup! How's it been?" He put his hand on my head and patted my hair. My face turned pink as I smiled up at him. 'You don't know what you do to me.'

My feelings for him started to grow. After knowing him for four months, I realized that I loved him. I was scared to tell him. 'What if he doesn't like me?' 'What if he doesn't want to be friends anymore?' I decided that I would just get it over with and tell you.

"I love you. I have loved you since we first met." Michael froze for a moment. He suddenly snapped out of it. "What? You love me?" I smiled and nodded my head. "What the fuck!?!?" My smile immediately dropped. "You're disgusting! That's so gross. You're a boy and I'm not gay!?!?! I don't want to see you ever again!" He pushed me and I stumbled to the ground. "W-wait!" It was too late. Michael was gone.

After that, people started to bully me. The teased me and called a fag and other things. They would hurt me physically and emotionally. I was broken.

I picked up my razor. My reflection in the blade was frail and weak. I rested the blade on my left arm. I slide it across my arm quickly. A line of crimson boils to the top, just like always. I laid back and watched the blood flow from all twelve cuts.

I started to cut. I couldn't take it anymore. Everyone hated me. Why did they hate me? All I ever did was fall in love.

I wrote my name at the end of my letter. I quickly sealed it and placed it on top of Michael's desk. I left the classroom and made my way to the roof. I stood on the outside of the railing. I looked down from the five story building. "Goodbye."

Michael walked to his desk. He noticed something on top of it. He picked it up and saw that it was a letter with his name on it. He opened it to see one sentence above a name he hadn't heard in six months. "Why is love so cruel?


I would  like to say that I have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING against gays/lesbians/bisexuals/pansexuals/asexual/etc. I myself am pansexual and gender fluid. I also have a gay brother. This story came to me out of no where. If I hurt anyone or offended anyone, I deeply apologize. Thank you and I hope you enjoyed!

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