Story Time

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Alright pumpkins! It's backstory time!!!

((I was around 8 or 9 years old. I shared a room with my grandma at the time))

I was sleep so this story is from my grandmother's mouth. So apparently I got up out of the bed and was walking to the door. My grandma was like 'moosha where are you going?' With my eyes still closed I look towards her and say 'I'm leaving the bathroom so I can go to bed.' My grandmother is sitting there kinda confused. She says 'moosha you were already in bed.' I look at her and go 'oh okay' and I walk back over to my bed. I get back in bed and go to sleep like nothing happened. When I wake up the next day my grandma told me about it but i couldn't remember anything.

Also when I had first got my own room my grandmother said she was glad when I asked her why she said: "You would scream in your sleep and sometimes you will kick and move around as if you were fighting someone or if someone was holding you down. It would wake me up and scare the piss outta me. I would sometimes stay up late and watch you just in case."

I had also went on a trip with my aunt and uncle to visit my cousin and her husband. My grandmother had warned my aunt about my night screaming and thrashing but I guess she didn't believe her. Anyway on one of the nights (like the first night there) I had started screaming in my sleep and woke her up. She came running to me (I was sleeping in the living room and she was in a room with her husband) to see if I was okay. She had started crying because she thought her husband or my cousin's husband was in there 'doing things' to me. She called my grandmother while she was in tears and she told her that if one of them had touched me she was gonna kill 'em. My grandmother was just laughing because she tried to warn my aunt but I guess she had to witness it first hand. My aunt slept in the living room with me for the rest of the trip.

True Stories

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