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What? Double update!?!?

Yea I know its shocking but this one is really quick.

So today I need to get dressed because we are going somewhere.

Today I feel manly/ like a boy. So I want to wear more so male clothes but I have a few problems.

1.) I have this new skirt that I can't wait to wear and my female side keeps screaming about it but my male side (dominate at the moment) is like no

2a.) it is hot as hell so I want to wear shorts but the only shorts I have are short shorts which are slightly more feminine than I would like right now

2b.) Because I don't have good shorts I want to wear jeans but like I already said, it. Is. Hot. As. Fuck. Literally its 109°

I don't know what to do. This is bullshit! But I wouldn't change me for the world!

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