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Hi hi peoples!!

Been a while aye?

Well I'm not staying for too long, sorry to say.

I had a brilliant idea. I wanted you guys to meet four very special people. I won't tell you their names but I will let them write a few words/sentences and leave a sort of code name for themselves.

Doesn't that sound fantastic?

Anywho, here they are!


Um. H-hello. I don't have much to say.... I don't have many.....feelings. I'm s-sorry. Goodbye...
- D. P.


Hi!!! Wow, it's so awesome to meet you guys! I've heard so much about you. Well, there probably isn't many of you but still! Hehe!! Okay, bye bye~!
- H. G.


Sup. I really couldn't care less than I already do about this. I'm only doing this to make ++++++++ leave me alone. Any of you hurt ++++++++ and I'll kill you!
- T. B.


Oh my~. Isn't this quite the surprise. Hello darlings~. Wow. It's so wonderful to see so many......beautiful people. I apologize that I can't...spend more time with you. Farewell, sexy.
- C/F. P.


That's all folks!!

Heh I can tell a lot of you will probably be very confused by this chapter/update.

You probably won't ever see or hear from these people again but I thought it would be nice to.......get you all acquainted.

Anywho, toodle-loooo!

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