Picture #19

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So we're studying an artist named Georgia O'Keefe.

Probably sounds famialr to some, not at all to others.

Basically she's an abstract artist who painted skulls and flowers alot.

We're supposed to draw something inspired by her. That's what I did.

I'm kinda proud of it. Although, this is only the sketch. We have to redraw it, zoom it in, and paint it with oil pastels.

I've only worked with oil pastels once and from what I can (barely) remember, it was hard.

I have to somehow zoom that picture in and make it more abstract and large.

I think it's possible but it's gonna be annoying as hell.

Anyway that's all for today.

Expect a "Picture #19 (p.2)" so I can show you guys the oil painting.

Musha out---

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