Story Time

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Sup pumpkins! Got another story time for ya.

This is the story of how my first kiss was stolen from me.I wasn't older than six but I have no idea what my exact age was.

My cousin, aunts (two of them), great papa, and great mama lived in what you would call the projects or the ghetto, which ever. I was over there like all the damn time. Theere was some kids that me and my cousin always hung out with (she is older than me by like 8 yrs older than me). They were two boys (and some others but they aren't important). Boy A was older and boy B was younger, they were brothers. Boy A had a crush on my cousin and boy B had a crush on me but I didn't know that until one day. It was really late at night (like 8 or 9) and us neighbor kids were playing soccer outside. I took a break because I got tired. I then heard my name being called. I look around and I see boy B. I walk behind the house (where he was) and ask wassup. We talk for a minute and then he says he wants a kiss. Im like wait hold up what? He like yea just one kiss. Im like yea idk bout that. He like its easy look. He points to his older brother who was sitting with a girl I had never met before. They peck each other on the lips and then smile at me. I look at boy B like yea idk. He say okay think about it. I take a couple steps away and I think. This boy is like 2 or 3 years older than me. I don't like him. My thoughts get interrupted when boy B taps my shoulder. I turn around but as soon as I do Im met with his lips on mine. Before I can even think straight, I hear someone screaming my name. I look and see my aunt stomping over to me. She starts yelling at me. Apparently the rest of the kids went home but they didn't know where I was so she came to look. She drags me in the house and yells at me for kissing him. I didn't even get to explain what happened! She just wouldn't listen. She pushes one of my great grandparents' rockin chair in front of a closet door and makes me sit in it till my mama comes home.

I don't remember what happened when my mom got there but I remember before she did my aunt kept trying to scare me saying things like the monster in the closet would get me because I was kissing boys. To this day I can not stand boy B. I moved away so I will never ever see him again but before I moved and I used to see him. We wouldn't speak at all. We avoided each other completely.

Anyway true story.

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