Eating/Story Time

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Okay kiddies. Listen to old papi f*** up.................

Okay so for around 5 or 6 years (Age 3-7/8) it has been the metaphorical 'struggle'. My dad has a lot of kids (let's just say 9 or 10 because I don't feel like counting the right number but that is pretty darn close, I may be off one or two in either direction). We do not share the same mom (some of us do), there are 4 moms in total. The only way for all of of us to see each other is for us all to go to his house with his girlfriend. His girlfriend has 4 kids (3 with him and one from another man). For some reason she only buys enough food for the kids that live with her. That means that there was really only enough food for 5 or 6 people. If all of us were over there at once, all hell broke loose. We used to fight over food, steal food, and hide food from each other. We literally acted like animals. I didn't eat a lot as a kid but when I did it was a fucking fight to. It is still like that now but not as bad as it used to be. Now it's more of a first come first served basis and even then there most likely isn't enough food for all of us to be full. Although we do still hide food from each other but we don't steal it from each other. 

Also this brings me to the topic of how I eat. Because I used to have to fight for food I tend to eat quickly. Now I don't mean take two bites and then stop and then go. No, I will devour my food all in one breath and I am not even trying to be funny. It is so bad that one time me and my mom were at Wendy's and I was eating so fast that she stopped eating and just stared at me like I was some total stranger. After like 2 minutes she hits my arm and she's like calm down you act like I don't feed you! I like embarrassed the hell out of her but it wasn't on purpose.  I don't even do it on purpose. It's just that I grew up having to eat fast so it won't be taken. It isn't that bad now but every once in a while my mom and (step) dad will yell at me for eating too fast and acting like a wild animal. 

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