Story Time

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Okay today I'll tell two story times (because they are both short).

These are stories from my childhood. The stories are real but I will not use names.


Me and my twin brothers were running around the room, pushing each other. I don't know why but we were. The oldest twin had snuck up behind me and pushed me towards the door. Instead of me just hitting plain old door, my back hit the door nob. It sucked all the breath out of me and I was on the ground flopping like a fish. The twins were doing nothing but laughing as I felt like I was about to take my last breath.


I was about to walk into the room with all the rest of my brothers. I had just come from the kitchen, probably eating something. I open the door and I see one of the twins swinging my custom skates around the room. As I was walking further inside, he accidentally tripped over something and one of the skates went flying. Unfortunately the direction the skate went in was right into my face.

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