Story Time

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Buckle up Pumpkins. It's time for another blast from my twisted past!

(I was around 6 or 7 years old)
When I was younger, there was this show called 'Silent Library'. There would be like 6 people in a library sitting at a table. They all picked a card out of a pile. On the count of 3 they flipped the cards over. One card (usually) was a bad card and the rest were safe cards. The person (or people) with the bad card pulled a lever and what ever the spinner landed on was their punishment. They did the punishment and when it was over the team won some money. But! They only got money if the team could stay silent (not go above the allowed noise level). If the team went over the noise limit too many times, they were out and left with whatever they had earned so far. Hence the name 'Silent Library.'

Me and my bros loved this show. We decided to play our own version. In our version the person with the bad card left the room while the others came up with a punishment. It was fun unless you got the bad card.

Fast forward a couple turns until I get the bad card.

I leave the room and I wait............ They finally call me back in. They tell me to lay on my stomach face down, I do so. One of them put a pillow over my head and sat on it while the person held my arms down. I begin to panic and struggle. Without warning I start feeling stinging along the back of my body. They were whipping me with belts. It goes on for around 5 to 8 mins of me screaming and struggling but I swear it felt like hours. It hurt so bad, I was crying. They finally let me go and we continued the game.

Evertime it was my turn they did the same punishment even though I begged them not to. It went on for maybe half an hour longer until I couldn't take it anymore and I quit. I don't remember what punishments we did for my other siblings but I remember mine vividly........

Sounds super fucked up but it is all true.

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