Update Schedule

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Okay guys, I have decided to make an update schedule, that hopefully I will follow:

Monday: Primary Book(s) #1

Tuesday: One-shot

Wednesday: One-shot Book(s)

Thursday: One-shot

Friday: Primary Book(s) #2

Saturday: Short Story(ies)

Sunday: N/A

[The reason it says Primary Book(s) is because depending on how many primary books I have determines how many I update]

This is a 2-week schedule. I will do it one week and the next is nothing and then the next is updates and then the next is nothing, and so on and so forth. I promise I will try my best to stick to the schedule. Also I may or may not have any books that fit into one of the updating days' category so if I don't update on that day then it's because I don't have a book/story for that day or I forgot/got lazy and it's/they're not ready. Starting on the 13th of March (which is a Monday so my first primary book(s) will be updated). Hopefully this works out!

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