The answers to your questions

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Alright everyone, so here are the answers to your lovely questions 😌 sadly not all questions will appear since some are very similar so please, don't be mad. And thank you for all the questions guys. A lot of them will even be answered again in the future chapters :)


1. Liam

ZiamAmour wants to know : Do you want a boy or a girl? And, will you tell Zayn's parents about it since it'll be their grandchild?

* shrugs shoulders * honestly, I don't care about the gender, I'll still love him or her either way. * smiles a little * I think so, but I'm not really sure yet. I mean they deserve to know, but I guess I'm just afraid...

@MART1D asks : Did you puke by just seeing Perrie?

* chuckles softly * no, I didn't.

xzixamx wants to know : What names do you want for the baby?

* smiles softly * well, I'm not quite sure yet but I'm still figuring it out.

@LaziestPersonAlive is asking : Can you ever forgive Zayn for everything and be a happy family or do you want him to stay away from you and the baby? And can you tell in that school to put some respect in your name?

* sighs * I don't think I can ever forgive him. Maybe in the mere future but now, I just want him to stay away from me and the baby. And honestly, I'm not sure if I can.

@Lovelife_9 wants to know : Why did you cheat on Toni?

* bites lip nervously * I don't know why... It just happened

@Stylinson_larry100 : will the baby have Zayn's last name?

* shakes head * he told me he didn't want to do anything with the baby so I won't give him Zayn's last name.

@ziam22222 asks : Right now, if you could choose, who would you marry? Toni or Zayn?

Toni. * hums * definitely Toni. I believe he'd be a great father for the child. * smiles * but we broke up so * giggles *

@_beautifullytwisted wants to find out : what would you do if it was Toni's baby cause there is a chance of that happening?

Hmm, well, I'm not quite sure. We'll just have to wait and see


2. Zayn

ZiamAmour is asking : why don't you want anything to do with the baby?

* shrugs * I'm young. I don't need baby drama in my life. And it's probably not mine anyways * scoffs * who knows how many times he had sex with Toni.

@MariaJumpers wants to know : open your eyes and see the truth, stop being a jackass, don't you see how Perrie manipulates you?

* rolls eyes * Don't have to be so harsh with words honey. And I am seeing the truth.

@MART1D likes to know : did you enjoy fûcking Liam? And do you love him?

* purses lips * no comment.

@ilmyself is asking : why are you acting like a fuckboy?

I'm not acting like anything.

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