❥ Chapter 1: The Grand Opening

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It was early in the morning, and a beautiful, warm sunrise illuminated the town, letting know its residents that the day had just begun.

The sky was clear.

No clouds were to be seen, and there was a gentle breeze.

Usually, on those gorgeous mornings, citizens would wake up and go about their day in peace and tranquility, the only sounds heard being that of birds chirping and kids laughing as they catch a bus to school.

However, on this peculiar day, if you listened closer, you could hear the echos of an uproar, coming from a little area in town where monsters had prominently settled after being trapped underground for those dark centuries.

"Whooo!" everyone cheered with excitement and anticipation, for a moment they had waited for so long.

Grillby looked down at his watch, his other hand holding a pair of golden plated scissors.

3... 2... 1... "CLIP!"

At last, the remaining barrier between the impatient crowd and the new and improved Grillby's, had been cut by the bartender himself, Grillby.

It was incredible to think that the construction of the new bar and diner had only started about four months ago, but with the efforts of construction workers, volunteers, and funds from kind individuals, it was finally complete.

The crowd of monsters cheered and applauded for at least thirty more seconds, before Grillby finally opened the doors and allowed them to enter the new establishment.

Within a fraction of a second, the overjoyed monsters began crowding the entrance, pushing and shoving each other as they fought for the proud sensation being first inside.

"No! I was here waiting for longer!"

"Let me in first!"

"Get out of my way!"


Grillby quickly backed away from the entrance, his hands in the air signaling the crowd to remain calm and civilized.

"Please remain calm..." he said in his vain attempt to pacify the group of monsters.

To his misfortune, not a single monster had even noticed him or heard his pleas, as his voice was so quiet it nearly sounded like a whisper.

"This is going to be a hell of a long day..." Grillby thought to himself in distress.

━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦━━━━

Grillby sighed, glancing over at a clock hung on a wall nearby.

It was noon, marking nearly five hours since the establishment opened its doors to the public.

So far, nothing bad had happened, and the day was going pretty great, though admittedly it was quite the exhausting task to attend to.

It had been a while since he last served this many customers, given that during the time that the new bar was being constructed, he had been taking some time off to relax and enjoy the surface.

It did feel really nice to finally be able to take his craft to the surface, as it did make him feel a little less homesick.

Though, something did seem off....

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