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"piper, can i talk to you about something?" isak asks, coming up to me at lunch on a boring tuesday.

"always." i smile, biting my sandwich.

"how did you know when you were bi?"

"uh, i wanted to kiss a girl, so i did, and i liked it, and then i had a boyfriend and i liked that too." i shrug, laughing a little once i realize i quoted katy perry. "why do you ask?"

"because i've been thinking that i might be gay."

"oh. jamie's the person to talk to then, she's not gay, but she's befriended almost every gay person that she's ever come across in san francisco, which is a big place for gay people." i say and facetime her. it's four in the morning, but i don't doubt that she's still awake. she's been trying to cut down on weed for some reason, so she's been sleeping less. it's all weird, but i think her parents are starting to think that she's a degenerate because of how much she smokes, even if it's for medicinal reasons.

"hi." she says, her voice groggy. "i wasn't sleeping, before you ask."

"okay." i laugh. "isak thinks he's gay."

"oh my god, yes." she moans. "why? i am here for the gays, regardless."

"even and i-"

"oh my god!" jamie and i scream together. "yes!"


"he asked me if i knew you were gay or not, so i had to confide in someone, so i told her, and then she wanted a picture, and long story short, you two would be a beautiful couple."


"any time, bud." i pat his arm. "so you and even."

"on halloween we hooked up. and spent the whole day after together, just like, kissing and laying in bed, and i like him, but he has a girlfriend." he explains.

"got it." i nod.

"that's fucked." jamie responds. "is he gay or what?!"

"that's what i'm trying to figure out." he says.

"well, gay or not, i'll still be your friend." i smile.

"me too! always!" jamie screams.

"thanks." he smiles.

"i'm going to try and sleep now, night ladies." jamie says before hanging up.

"when are you going to tell jonas?" i ask.

"soon, i think. i have to explain why i'm being weird to him and magnus and mahdi."

"yeah." i nod."this is explaining a lot. i knew you didn't go ti a family dinner." i say and he just makes a face at me.

"okay. so, you don't hate me?"

"could never hate you." i smile. "you're not eating, eat something." i push my bag towards him. "i have a million snacks." i do have a million snacks, my dad went food shopping for chris and i for some reason and got us every snack food under the sun.

bite // [skam / chris schistad]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα