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saturday 17:42

piper- i've never told you this for some reason, but i admire your confidence. it's what makes you amazing and one of the things that i love about you the most. it's what makes you the one and only piper vik. i really do love you so so much that being said, i'd like to invite you to my eid-preparty. eid is the holiday that marks the end of ramadan, and i want to spend the last saturday of ramadan surrounded my people that i love. lots of food, really chill people and vibe, and just a fun day. i'd love if you came. :) ❤️❤️❤️ sana

omfg im literally crying i love u
of course i'll come omg

yay!! okay chris can come as well of course

that was my next text! thanks for letting me know see you soon love u lots my girlie

sunday 10:11

"happy almost first day of vacation." chris says, running a finger over my eyebrow to wake me up.

"were you just watching me sleep?" i ask and he smiles.


"weird. also i have like a full week so you can say it next week and it can actually be true." i say, rubbing my eyes. "did you sleep good?"

"i dreamt of something fucked up."

"what?" i ask and he pushes some hair away from my face.

"i dreamt that i was at my old elementary school. and we were eating lunch outside, me and caroline, who was my girlfriend in fourth grade, and then you were walking past and i was like 'wow, damn!'" i laugh as he puts on a voice to speak in english. "and then i walked up to you and was like 'hey, do you wanna date me?' in front of caroline."

"and what did i say?"

"you said yes, of course."

"i wouldn't have said yes back then."

"and why is that?" he asks, laughing.

"because i didn't speak norwegian very well until i was thirteen, so there is the factor of you would've been speaking gibberish to me." i smile. "and you were probably in your early fuckboy days, so you would've cheated on me, or done me dirty like you did poor caroline in the dream, just dumping her for me like that," i shake my head. "and we wouldn't be in this situation now. we wouldn't be together because i wouldn't trust you after you broke little second grade me's heart."

"you're so mean." he says and leans in, kissing me.

"it's so true!" i laugh and kiss him. "i changed you for the better." i say and he leans, kissing me, his tongue slipping into my mouth with ease. "sorry." i say, pulling away when my phone starts to ring. "hi, vilde."

"hi, what are you doing?"

"nothing. just woke up, really."

"just now?"

"no, a little bit ago. i was just talking to chris."

"oh, sorry for interrupting. listen, i want to do something nice for sana at that eid-celebration, to show her how much we love her."

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