How its going to go

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So I'm guessing you know how this goes:
Your name-(y/n)
Your last name-(l/n)
Little brother- mark (or little buddy)😆
Your clan- Shadow clan (I don't know)😅
(Y/n) looks around wondering where she is. Being a five year old ain't easy people think about it lost in the forest with nothing but her baby brother sleeping in her arms. The pain on her feet isn't as painful as to what she's feeling in her heart right now, tears ran down her cheeks trying to stay as quiet as she can to not disturb her young sibling in his nap.
You might wonder what the hell is happening right now......well she ran away from these horrible people she called parents no they aren't her birth parents....but adopted parents (y/n) never met her real parents all she knows is that once she was born they left her. Now for her little brother he was adopted too but she vowed to never tell him that she loves him too much to tell him the truth. (Y/n) found a cave to sleep for the night and continue the journey to find a village they called village hidden in the leaves. Her feet where bleeding from the not so comfortable shoes they gave her. She looks down to check on her baby  brother mark.

 She looks down to check on her baby  brother mark

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His piercing blue eyes met with dull black eyes. Mark starts to giggle knowing who this person is. (Y/n) smiles knowing there's at least one person who still loves her even if they cant talk.
Lurking in the shadows was a mother wolf and two little newborn pups. The mother comes out of the shadows startling (y/n) she didn't know what to do and just shivered in fear that the mother might do something. Surprising the mother came and gave strawberries one of (y/n) favorite fruits. She took them and said thanks she smashed some for mark to eat.(y/n) didn't know these wolves were spirit wolves which in the future will bring her in for a long trip of trouble.....but in a good way.
The night sky starts to light up with the warm sun beaming down on everything in its path. Mother wolf wakes up and see the young girl asleep with a baby wrapped in arms protectively. She nudges the young female with her nose in attempt to awaken her. (Y/n)'s eyes open to be met with the mother wolf and smiles. The mother puts her head on (y/n)'s hand and speaks," young girl it's nice to meet you. I hope you had a nice rest. What is a young girl like you and a baby doing out here alone without her parents?" (Y/n) was startled that she could speak but tried not to show it," I've ran away from my adopted parents and I couldn't bare to leave my baby brother there with them" she responded. " well there is a nice village known as a leaf village. Would you like me to take you there?" She asked. Once (y/n) heard leaf village she nodded her head yes but still kept a straight face. "I would much appreciate it mother wolf." The young pups awaken and ran to there mother and are willing to accompany them as well. "Okay you can come, but don't do anything dumb okay?" The mother wolf said and turned her back on (y/n) as to be say 'hop on my back' and (y/n) jumped on and in a couple of hours they reach the gates. While (y/n) was saying her thanks the mother was shot with an arrow threw her heart. (Y/n) was scared from this scene that was happening right in front of her.(y/n) looked up in the trees to see a ninja but they weren't from the leaf village but from somewhere else.
(Y/n) knew all the jutsus and fought the murderer he ran with fear in his eyes mark started to cry loudly and the young pups as well she ran to the mother in attempting aid her but it was no use. Her breathing was shallow and spoke softly,' (y/n)...p..please take care....of babies....I-I trust care for them....please .....'.(Y/n) was shocked by this sad moment she hugged the mother wolf and said I promise to love them. She stood and looked at the pups that had tears in their eyes and mark in tears as well. The mother was slowly lighting up and disappeared in the mist as if she was never there. With a straight face  she said," I will protect you and we will grow up together as a family is that okay with you two?" The pups nodded and started to walk towards the gates.
She saw two guards, but I guess they had better plans than working. (Y/n) made her way walking towards the building she saw the hokage see her and walk to her, "young girl where are your parents?why do you have a baby with you?" He asked. She responded with a straight face," I ran away from my home from my adopted parents and this little guy is my baby brother oh and these are my animal friends". The hokage knew who exactly this girl is. She possesses the great strength in the ninja world. She is the last of her clan The Shadow Clan. With a smile he asked " would you, your baby brother, and animal friends like to live with me in my home and I can give you (y/n) personal training?"
"Yes, we would love too".
-So how was that? First story yay!! I am a slow person so yea..... Well hope you enjoyed it and have a nice life❤️💙 BYE!!!

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