Tag you say?

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Mark pov:
My little buddy in crime kept sniffing the floor and air. "Hey buddy any clues?" He just meowed at me running to the academy 'really she went in there?!' Mr.Midnight ran through the halls up to Iruka-senseis class he scratched to door trying to open it. I opened it trying to breathe"mark what a pleasant surprise (y/n) was just here and told me to give you this""than-thanks Iruka-sensei" I grabbed the shirt giving it to Mr.Midnight to smell,"may I ask what are you two doing?""oh...you know....training for Mr.Midnight" I was out of breathe "and wow he can run""oh yes your sister mentioned that earlier""hey do you want some water?" A girl with black hair and light brown eyes asked me handing me water"oh thanks I need it" I had a sip and before I knew it Mr.Midnight went out the window I quickly placed the bottle down and held her hand"thank you so much much appreciate it" I kissed her hand I opened my wings and flew up for a bit "bye Iruka-sensei!" I left out the window following far behind Mr.Midnight I caught up running next to him. We ended up at the ramen shop"hello there are you mark?""yes I am""here you go" he handed me a sheet of paper with writing. I read it out loud
A man or women walks over, A man or women walks under I stand but not swim what am I?
Mr.Midnight thought for a bit and ran towards the bridge. A kunai was attached to the wooden poles with a red ribbon swaying in the breeze. I pulled the kunai off the ribbon handing it to Mr.Midnight he smelled the item once again running back to town. 'Where ever (y/n) is she is good at leaving clues' we ran to Sakuras house I knocked on her door waiting for someone to open it. Sakuras mom greets me"hello is uh sakura home?""why yes she is give me a minute" a couple minutes pass I sat on the ground waiting Mr.Midnight sat next to me I took the time to look at him he's gotten bigger that's for sure"you know Mr.Midnight this seems more of a scavenging hunt not tag" he meowed agreeing with me. Sakura came out handing me a note
I watch the birth and death of many heros
I last beyond all living things
I am the oldest in the land
I am the greatest boulder, the finest sand
I stand on the deepest rock below
I touch the skies where the winds blow
I am where the rivers fountain.
I basically stared at Sakura like what the heck does that mean?!"I don't know either sorry""it's okay bye" I read the note again thinking Mr.Midnight climbed my shoulder sitting looking at the note as well.'geez he's gotten more heavy too!'~:meow:~ " we need help buddy" he only growled at me not wanting help"well then unless we figure this out we have no-ow!"he bit my ear telling me to shut up"why did you do that?!"~:meow!:~ he pointed at the rock wall of heros"ooooohh well you could have just pointed the rock head but no you had to go a head and bite my ear" he jumps off we ran up the mountain there was a key on the floor "hey I've seen this key before" this must be Kakashis key to his home I grabbed Mr.Midnight and flew to Kakashis home unlocking it and into his living room. Kakashi was on the couch sleeping with his book on his face'really kakashi' Mr.Midnight sat on his stomach going up and down from his breathing. I lifted the book a sticker was pasted on his forehead saying #1 knucklehead me and Mr.Midnight gave each other a really face. Before I left I braided Kakashis hair smiling at my success. We ran to Narutos house knocking quickly 'the day is half way finished we need to hurry' Naruto didn't answer the door so I pushed Mr.Midnight through the window he came back another note and a towel
This place is as hot as an oven its fun to hang out with friends most people say it's a risk being caught seen
"Mr.Midnight I think we're going to visit the hot springs" he meowed happily. We rushed to the hot springs bushy-brows dad stood by the entrance "hello youthful child I have a message for you from the youthful flower!" He struck a pose "uh okay what is it?"
Some say I'm gross but I'm just misunderstood I complement the earth with wonders and mystery only very little do people get my true self
"I don't think I get this or where it is" Mr.Midnight meowed at me rushing to the aburame compound we saw bugs fly by our heads Mr.Midnight tried catching a fly but failed"hey I thought we're on a mission buddy no distractions" we walked to a house that I've never seen before"are you sure this is it?" He nodded I knocked on the door a boy (y/n) knows opened it "um by any chance did my sister (y/n) pass by here?""yes she did she seemed very fond of the bugs here until she saw my beetles""oh sorry she loves bugs she really does she just had a bad encounter with a beetle in the past""oh well then here you go and tell your sister that if she needs help facing her fear of beetles to come to me I'm happy to help""aw thanks man I told her that during you battle but freaked out over it but I'll get her to face it no matter what!""okay good bye"
I go in this room it is full of papers it's hardly ever empty. I love the people who support in what I do I last for a long time until I step down who am I?
"GRANDPA!!" Me and Mr.Midnight booked it to the hokage office. Grandpa was doing his work at his desk like always "hello mark what brings you here?""you know why I'm here grandpa" Mr.Midnight sniffed him making loud meows trying to bite him"hey Mr.Midnight don't do that leave grandpa alone" he jumped on him making him fall on his back. "Grandpa!! Are you okay?!""yes I'm fine" 'I don't know what's gotten into him he just randomly attacked him.' Mr.Midnight bit his robe pulling on it. I grabbed him before he makes him fall again "sorry grandpa""well mark I would be disappointed in your cat friend but he seems smarter than I thought" he poofed revealing "(y/n)!?""yup but he didn't find yin and yang" I let go of Mr.Midnight as he sniffed the air going to the closet I opened it yin and yang sleeping curled up together."this was fun let's do it again""sure but this time I'll find you""oh by the way this was more of a scavenging hunt than tag""I know I just wanted to confuse you"
"Well done"
I walked to grandpas room knocking. "Come in" he was about to leave to the office and start working"hey grandpa (y/n)'s 12th birthday is coming up and I was wondering if I can I don't know use your bird to get everyone she knows to celebrate it with her???""a birthday party? I don't know mark my bird isn't a toy...no but you can hand  these letters to the jounin and you can ask them about it.""okay then well I'll be off before (y/n) gets suspicious""bye"
•flashback over•
'I hope (y/n) likes my plan!!'

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