What an eventful morning

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Ah mornings you can never get tired of them first you wake up then you whine then you get up and finally start your normal day.....or so I thought it would.
"(Y/N)!!" I jolt out of my bed looking around who was yelling my name. Marks sheets were spread all over the floor,"mark? Where are you buddy?" I checked under his bed he wasn't there the closet nope the bathroom nope I started to worry I checked at grandpas room....no...where is he? I sat on the floor crossing my legs so one is on top of the other. I concentrated thinking of how mark looks...an image of mark appears in my head he's in the kitchen. I quickly run to the kitchen seeing him crying covering his mouth as if he'll throw up."mark what's? wrong what happened?!" I tried to stay calm seeing him shiver in fear made me want to know more of what happened. He shook his head saying no "mark I can't help if you don't tell me what's wrong" I pulled a chair close to him as I tried to grab his hand he jerked it ways pressing harder on his mouth 'is it a tooth ache? Did he bite his tongue?' "Mark what's wrong" he slowly moved his hands from his mouth he was just about to speak as a huge amount of blood poured out from his mouth"MARK!" I rushed him to the bathroom holding him over the sink as spits of bloody saliva came out more." Mark what did you do?!"" I don't know I just woke up with the taste of blood in my mouth and my teeth hurt badly!" I noticed his teeth were now sharp as if his teeth were replaced with k-9 teeth. 'I've read something like this before in the books...but he's so young why is it happening now they aren't supposed to grow until he's 15 or 16 that's the appropriate age for boys in the yin clan to have' I grabbed a towel to clean him up. Tears ran down his small face I can't stop them from growing it'll injure him more than the pain he's experiencing now. All I can do is wait for them to grow out seems that I have to advance your training now mark. Mine has grown in but I can make them appear and disappear mark well he has to learn how to do that.
It took a while but we managed to clean him up the sink was semi-bloody but I'll clean that in a bit I sat mark on the bed with a towel in his mouth so he doesn't bite himself....hm what should I do
Marks pov:
What's happening to me my mouth hurts so much. (Y/n) leaves and comes back with a mouth cover and a bottle 'is she just gonna cover it as if it's nothing?!'"what are you doing?""well first I want to put this cream on your teeth so your teeth won't bother you when you talk and the mouth cover so people don't see your teeth and freak out""but doesn't that dog boy have them too?""yes and his name is kiba but he's different his people are born with them...I think either way it's normal for them." I nodded and kept my mouth open the cream had a minty flavor "all done just put the mouth cover on and we'll continue our day hey imma need clothes and you too but first I'll go with team 7 to their daily "missions" if you want you can join" she left the room to go change I was already changed due to the eventful morning. I want to go but I don't want to either they might not be the same as the last one. Well....yea I'll go I want to see Naruto fail trying to show off to everyone that he's better.....tho duck-butt is better than him. (Y/n) calls me from the kitchen saying Breakfast was ready I reached the kitchen grandpa was there eating his pancakes (y/n) places a 3 stack pancake in front of me 'what the how am I supposed to eat?'as if reading my mind " it's okay to eat the cream won't wear off until the end of the day and yes I've told grandpa what's wrong" I took the mask off and started a conversation with grandpa," hey grandpa when is konohamaru gonna visit us?""today for sure mark he will probably be running around the village as always.""(y/n) why don't you ever let me run around town like konohamaru?""because you're not him" wow.
(Y/n) pov:
Kids I swear I put my plate in the sink" hey grandpa...that day is coming up are you ready?"" Not really so many kids are going to mess up the battle room""but that's what the rooms purpose is used for""what day? What's coming up?" Mark Asked "the chunin exams the opportunity for genin to be promoted to chūnin."" Cool when do I get to go to the ninja academy?! What to battle too!"" Well you can actually join next year if you want or you can continue your training with me and get in later" "I'll join later! So I can have something special the other kids won't know!" He shouted with glee,"and that would be?" Grandpa questioned interested in what he would know"I don't know I haven't learned much all I learned was how to use my wings and taijutsu." He sweat dropped."okay then hey grandpa do you know what team 7 is doing right now?""they should be walking to the house where they will pick weeds out""thanks grandpa hey mark are you coming or not?""yea just give me a minute!" He grabs the remaining pancakes and puts them next to yin and yang Mr.Midnight meows loudly at mark trying to get his attention. He stuffs him in his hoodie and runs back to me,"okay now lets go"
So tired the exams are horrible they're eating me alive!!!

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