I choose....you!

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Mark pov:
Well I guess I have to wake up now. I get up to see (y/n) sleeping in her bed. I look at the calendar and notice a big red circle around a number and realize"it's my birthday........ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!" I jump off my bed and run towards (y/n),"(y/n) wake up it's my birthday! And we're going to spend the day together!" I shook her shoulder, her back facing me. She wouldn't wake up 'okay you left me no choice' I stood on the dresser that was next to her bed I looked down and aim directly above her and jumped.

 She wouldn't wake up 'okay you left me no choice' I stood on the dresser that was next to her bed I looked down and aim directly above her and jumped

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"Oh god what the-...mark w-what are you doing?" "(Y/n)......your mouth cover....w-where is it?""hm? Oh! It's right here on the dresser why?""your cheek..it's cut..and your face you're not hiding it like you always do "

 "Oh yea well it's your birthday and I was thinking that this may be the time to show you my face considering now that you said you're responsible right?" She chuckled after she said responsible "and the scar I'll tell you another day, okay?" "Oka...

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"Oh yea well it's your birthday and I was thinking that this may be the time to show you my face considering now that you said you're responsible right?" She chuckled after she said responsible "and the scar I'll tell you another day, okay?" "Okay" "oh and I got you a gift hope you like it"

 "Oh yea well it's your birthday and I was thinking that this may be the time to show you my face considering now that you said you're responsible right?" She chuckled after she said responsible "and the scar I'll tell you another day, okay?" "Oka...

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"I love it thank you (y/n)!" I clipped mine on as I see (y/n) clip hers on as well I hugged her,"thank you" "hehe your welcome"
(Y/n) pov:
I picked up mark and set him down on my bed."Hey I'm making breakfast what chu what?"marks eyes light up "oh man I want pancakes and bacon and strawberries and and and and-" "okay slow down there tiger I'm making breakfast for you and me, not a buffet for the whole village" I chuckle " okay then pancakes, bacon, and strawberries oh and orange juice" okay then breakfast is a go. I started to prepare the breakfast as I hear a crash by the stair way. I didn't think of it much until I hear a howl," okay what's happening out there" I walk through the the door to see yin and yang play fighting again only mark was in it as well. Marks on the floor trying to roll away but it seems yin and yang are working together and keeping him in place. I laugh at this small scene,"okay guys leave mark alone only cause it's his birthday today doesn't mean you get to jump him." I picked up mark and set him in a chair. I grabbed some bacon strips and cooked a pile, half for me and mark other half for yin and yang."okay eat up we have a long day ahead of us" I set some heart shaped pancakes with some light sugar powder in front of him and some orange juice.

"okay eat up we have a long day ahead of us" I set some heart shaped pancakes with some light sugar powder in front of him and some orange juice

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His eyes lit up as if he has never seen anything like this his whole life,"THANK YOU (Y/N)!" he ate quickly. Me, I ate like a normal person. After the surprisingly delicious breakfast I washed the dishes with mark next to me drying them,"Okay I think that's all the dishes why don't you go upstairs change and brush your crazy hair""okay give me a minute I'll be as fast as lightning!" He shouted as he ran up the stairs"okay speedster hehe" I make my way to the room as well to pick up my clothes and mouth cover.

 After the surprisingly delicious breakfast I washed the dishes with mark next to me drying them,"Okay I think that's all the dishes why don't you go upstairs change and brush your crazy hair""okay give me a minute I'll be as fast as lightning!" H...

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💙_{30 minutes later}_❤️
(Y/n) pov:
I had everything I usually wear on well not the hood or mouth cover not yet I see mark struggling to brush his hair,"hey need help there little buddy....you seem to be struggling?" "Yes, please" I stood behind him grabbed my brush and brushed his bizarre hair within 3 minutes I managed to get his hair back to normal it's grown longer close to his shoulders to be exact, but it looks nice.

you seem to be struggling?" "Yes, please" I stood behind him grabbed my brush and brushed his bizarre hair within 3 minutes I managed to get his hair back to normal it's grown longer close to his shoulders to be exact, but it looks nice

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"Hey your hair has grown have you noticed that?""no should I cut it?"well that's your choice""I'll think about it" I nodded and began to walk towards the door." Okay you ready mark?" "Heck yea, lets meet the unlucky people that you're going to teach!" I chuckled and lifted my mouth cover and hood. I grabbed his hand and walked out the house.
Narrator pov:
It's been 10 minutes until mark sees a small kitten in a box meowing. "Hey (y/n) look a baby kitten oh my god can we keep it please!" "I don't know mark we already have yin and yang not to mention I have you to take care of" as she poked his nose with her finger. " but I want him or her please I promise to feed them, bathe them, groom them, and love them,PLEASE I WANT THE KITTEN!"

As (y/n) looked at the defenseless creature she picked them up to see if any injuries were visible and checked it's gender at eye level the kitten nudged its paw on her nose which caused her to laugh a little she sighed in defeat," fine you can ha...

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As (y/n) looked at the defenseless creature she picked them up to see if any injuries were visible and checked it's gender at eye level the kitten nudged its paw on her nose which caused her to laugh a little she sighed in defeat," fine you can have HIM its a boy what will you name him?" She handed the kitten to mark. Mark thought for a bit while they continue to walk "well he has black fur and its a boy so why not Mr.Midnight?" "Sounds purrfect hehe"(y/n) grabbed mark and set him on her shoulders as for mark he put Mr.Midnight on his head.
(Y/n) pov:
'Finally we made it....maybe a little late but better than not coming at all' as we watch naruto kiss sasuke and might I say it was amazing mark was playing with his new friend. After a couple minutes of talking I've decided to be with Kakashi's team Team 7.
- so yay or nay
Have a good life BYE!!❤️💙🍜

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