Happy Birthday!!

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{Ugh low-key}
Mark pov:
I woke up extra early in the morning 4:30 a.m. everyone thinks (y/n) doesn't have a weakness but I know what it is well two but the other gives to the person a bad reflect.
One: she's not a morning person so she's half awake through the hours and sleeps throughout the day.
Two: people trying to tickle her but tickled her in the wrong spot which results to a punch in the face.
I tip-toed out the room getting dress. (Y/n) can be a forgetful person but it's not bad. In fact it's perfect (y/n) is going to have the best birthday!! I walked out looking for yin and yang I pat their heads they growled rolling away"hey come back here you guys are going to help me" I whispered they got up listening to what I had to say "okay I want you two to wake up (y/n) and make it look like you both have to go pee. And run throughout the town stay away from the training grounds because that's where everyone will be" they nodded going to the room I hid in the bathroom. The wolves whine I hear the bed creak and shifting to the front door.
(Y/n) pov:
I was having a nice sleep until yin and yang woke me up."what do you want?" They dance around their tails between their legs"do you have to pee?" They nodded 'life' I got out of bed yawning I'm not a morning person if you cant Tell, I rather be in bed and stay there forever. I grabbed the clock 4:46 a.m. WHY?!' I  went to the front door letting them have their relief I start to doze off leaning on the door. There was a bark I opened my eyes seeing yin and yang run away"!?"'no come back!' I slipped my shoes on closing the door chasing behind them.
Mark pov:
Plan A is done I locked the door so she won't come in easily she might poof in but meh. Almost 5 I have to make this quick if yin and yang plan fail to early I have a plan B. I found Mr.Midnight in my bed sheets sleeping in my spot"hey that's my spot"~:meow:~"well then I hope you enjoyed it because we have to go to Kakashis house right now" I pulled the sheets away from him 'wow is it me or has he gotten even more bigger' he basically looks like a full grown cat"hey buddy you gotten even more bigger you're an adult know!" I whispered yell I played with his paws until he literally cat slapped me "what the heck?!" I covered my mouth he looked away glaring at the wall 'geez man cats are weird'
((A/N):if only mark knew)
I gave anime tears at him"sorry if I offended you" he booped his head in my face."thanks now let's go" I picked him up realizing how heavy he's gotten too. I put him down"um let's walk together" I scratched the back of my neck laughing lightly. He tilted his head but walked either way we reached Kakashis house I knocked waiting for him to open it.....'nothing' I knocked again. Please don't tell me he forgot I knocked harder banging it in the end. I stared intensely at the door  waiting to see his lazy face. 'Nothing' I grabbed the door nob twisting it..... It opened. I heard snickering next to me I just glared at Mr.Midnight. I let myself in "Kakashi?" I whispered, I went to his room opening it slowly small snores was heard in the bed. I shimmed my way to the side Mr.Midnight meowed loudly pawing kakashis foot."hey leave his foot alone......go for the face it's easier" he went to the side of his face sniffing him and ~whack!~"who's there?!""shhh Kakashi you were supposed to be awake to open the door for me""wait so how did you get in?""you left the door unlocked" he face palmed himself" well if  your done we have a party to plan and people to invite."I yanked on the blanket throwing it on the ground I just noticed his mask."do you always sleep in a mask or??...""Zzzzzzzz.......""KAKASHI!!!" He flopped off the bed looking at me."come on man, I want to sleep""but you said you would help""yea no I'm too sleepy"" okay look here you old man I woke up at 4:30 in the morning it's only 6 minutes till 6:00 and you're telling me now that you're not helping me that I woke up early for nothing" he thought for a second"yes""........ARGH!!!!" I threw myself to him pulling his hair"ow! Let go!" He threw me off hitting the wall I slide down"why?""why what?""why don't you want to help?!""Mark it's to early in the morning and I'm a lazy person you should have knew that by now""fine be like that I hope you step on a Lego! And I'll tell (y/n) how much you care less about her birthday!!""wait it's (y/n)'s birthday?!""I told you!!""fine I'll help what do you want me to do?" I smiled mission accomplished "it's nothing big I just want you to find (y/n) and make sure she doesn't go anywhere near the training ground until 8:00 p.m.""8:00 p.m.?! Why so long?!" Because you're going to first deliver the invites with me and drop me off at Iruka-senseis house so we can discuss what (y/n) would like at her 12th birthday party!"" Okay but I have one question....why is your cat sleeping in my bed?" I laughed at Mr.Midnight as he sleeps in Kakashis bed"because...he's my buddy in crime""well that's not fair"
-3 hours later-
I cradle Mr.Midnight in my arms as best as I could. I said my goodbye to Kakashi as he made his way looking for my sister. Right when I was about to knock Iruka-sensei opened it looking excited."hello mark let's get started!""yea!!"
Kakashi pov:
{been so long}
I frantically looked around for a girl that may be in pj's chasing two wolves. I found her running to the gates of kohona I caught up to her"hey (y/n) what are you doing" as if it wasn't obvious" yin and yang ran out the house I've been chasing them all mor-yawn-morning""hm you sound sleepy need help?""please I want to go back to bed" we followed the wolves I caught yin but yang got out of my grasp"geez he's a fast one""yea yins the brain and yang is speed it's weird how one has more of an advantage than the other" (y/n) dove in for yang grabbing his leg"gotcha!" I noticed we have to pass the training ground to get her back home "hey (y/n) can you do me a favor?""dude I'm tired are you serious?""yes it is. I need help in...cleaning my home?"it sounded more like a question than a request"really are you that lazy kakashi""yes so please""fine" I poofed us in my home I let go of yin as (y/n) did the same"hey you look sleepy""really I didn't know that thanks""your welcome if you want you can sleep in my bed""thanks okay let's clean up"
Ooh birthday!!!

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