Face your fear...or not

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{That's what's inside the fan}
The small brown box sat there "(y/n) where are you?""I-In the closet" I threw a shirt over it so he couldn't see it. "Hey I'm hungry can we eat something" I nodded at his request. We walked out leaving the locked box in the dark closet.
"what do we eat today?""I don't know something to fill my tummy" the house seemed more quiet than usual "I miss him" mark sat himself at the table slouching over resting his head in his hands."I know...me too" I cooked a simple dish for us to eat. The giant backpack still sat by the door"mark why is your bag still there?""because I can't move it""how did you get it there then?""I pushed it down the stairs" he scratched the back of his head laughing nervously. " you do know I said we're moving in a couple days...right?" He nodded finishing the last bit of it. The night slipped faster than we thought.
"Good night mark""night"
~next day~
"Mark we're leaving hurry up!" I shifted the weapon mat in my arm to the other,"bye mark! -whistles-" yin and yang ran out the door I followed behind waiting a few seconds before mark bursted out the door slamming it behind him Mr.Midnight jumped down the roof next to us"dang it I fell for it again!!" He punched my stomach over and over frustrated that I tricked him again.
We arrived to the training grounds it was early so basically no one was there except kiba and shino. "Hey guys!" We waved at them kiba smiled waving shino waved going back to throwing shurikens at the wooden poles.
I rolled out the mat dropping blood "okay today I want you to attack me with the will of kill mark" mark stared at me like I have lost my head. "But I don't want to hurt you..." I pat his head "you've practiced with these weapons for a good while mark this is just training it's not like you'll be able to touch me either way" that seemed to tick him off "I will leave massive scratches on you!!!" He grabbed a kunai with red handles "those are my favorite kunais'"
Narrators pov:
(Y/n) swayed walking backwards from marks attacks "stop moving!" Mark shouted getting more angry,"why are you fighting by yourself mark?...it's a partner training" Mr.Midnight dropped from the tree almost landing on (y/n) "to slow cat" this went on for an hour almost all weapons were used but a fan.
"Are you just going to give up mark?" She questioned the young child panting throwing the last weapon on the ground "HOW ARE YOU NOT TIRED?!" Mr.Midnight has given up minutes before they stopped completely"there is the fan""I don't know how to use it" he lifted the closed fan trying to open it."well for starters you're holding it wrong" she grabbed the fan opening it with ease" here now use it""but it's just a fan how is it a weapon?" Mark judged the 'innocent' small fan finding his clan symbol on the sides grazing it's shape feeling the soft material running into a hard shape in it"here look um.... kiba! Come here for a bit!" Kiba ran towards (y/n) wondering what she wants "what's up cutie, hey mark" mark handed back the fan to (y/n) she spun the fan forcing sharp ends to fly to the top. She tackled the frightened boy to the ground holding the sharp fan to his neck," what was that for?!""it was to show mark how to use it" she pulled him up hugging him saying thank you"y-yea no p-problem"
>one hour later<
Mark tried out the weapon still not being able to open it"ugh! Why can't I open it?!""you're not adding enough force" Mark stared at it for a minute growling at it"I will not be beaten by a dumb weapon" he swiped down the weapon pinning it right above (y/n)'s head. She continued reading her book not flinching at the current almost death.
"You were holding it wrong that's why it wouldn't open" she got up yanking it out of the tree showing him how to hold it properly. "Okay I think I got it" she let go going back to her spot. A small beetle rested on her book looking back at her. She walked back to mark gripping his arm tightly"hey let go that hurts!""get my book""what?""get.my.book." Mark still didn't understand her sudden change he looked towards her book a small beetle hovering over it. "Are you serious? You get it""fine.....SHINOOOO" whining to the young boy.
(Y/n) pov:
'I will not deal with this' "shinooo" I shuffled to shino he tilted his head wondering what I want"shino help me there's a beetle on my book""okay" we walked back to the tree mark was jumping happily in the air finally opening it. Shino grabbed my arm pulling me closer to the bug"NO PLEASE SHINNOOO!!" I was practically dragged to the beetle "I'm not grabbing it you have to get it (y/n)""you know what there's other books-""no grab it" I sucked in a large amount of air slowly reaching, it twitched its wings like it sneezed I pulled back my arm. I hide behind shino gripping his coat "please shino don't do this to me!" He sighed letting me claw his coat"(y/n) just push the beetle away from the book and grab it it's simple""easy for you to say shino please just grab the book!" The beetle sat down looking at me literally laughing at me "well if you're not going to get it then I'll just leave" shino began to shift his foot but couldn't move because of my iron grip"(y/n) let go""no!" He picked up the beetle placing it on the tree picking up the book in the process" here you have to face your fear or someone will use it against you""okay....thank you shino!" I tightly hugged shino for saving the day. I left picking up the mat and calling mark its time to go home. "Bye shino!""b-bye"
Marks pov:
I called mid to follow"hey buuuuddyyyy are you tired me too" I cooed at the sleepy cat he jumped on my shoulder slowly pulling me to the ground"no mid help!!"(y/n) came by smirking at me"karma Boi" and walked leaving me with a cat sleeping on me. "(Y/n)! Come back! Yin Yang help!" just like (y/n) they left trailing behind her. I shoved Mid off getting up cracking my back"geez cat how are you this heavy?"  I pulled his front paws behind me giving him a piggy-back ride. Sweat beaded down my forehead. I finally reached the door dropping the cat on the couch a bowl of soup was on the table with a note.
"Think of it as training" I crumbled up the paper "yea training"
People how are you I'm tired af

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