#1) Random 🍓❤️

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So I was thinking while the people wait for the next chapter there should be an out of scene stories. So random stories whatever pops into my mind ()/
So enjoy!!
Baby (y/n) in...The Babysitting Hours!!! {dun dun duuuun!!!!}

Pein thought that leaving little (y/n) home with everyone else was a good idea he couldn't have been more wrong.
"Daddy has to go to a mission (y/n) be a good little goddess for me while I'm gone okay?" Pein cradled the 2 year old girl her giggles echoed in his room. He stepped out of the room bumping into his partner konan "konan are you ready to leave?"" Yes is (y/n) going to come with us or stay here?" She questioned hoisting the baby into the air (y/n) giggled more trying to grab the flower on her head.
"no she is staying here where is itachi?....I trust him more than the others""tobi heard that!!, Don't worry tobi will be a good boy!!" Tobi ran around the corner taking the baby with him (y/n) waved a good bye to her father. "This isn't going to end well is it?""if it's tobi...no"
(Y/n) sat on the couch with two pillows side by side holding her in place. She watched the man-child run around making her giggle once in a while.
A man with blonde hair walked in shouting at tobi to keep it down. (Y/n) wanted to know more about this man, she pushed the pillows onto the floor carefully making a soft landing and proceeded to crawl towards the man.
"Look! deidara-chan! (Y/n) wants you to hold her!!" deidara turned finding the tiny human trailing behind him. He squatted down lifting her up."hey you want to hangout with me and not the loud idiot hn, yes you do hn" he cooed at the child she laughed more pulling his hair "HEY! Let go! HN!""Ah! deidara-chan is in trouble don't worry Tobi will get help!" Tobi sprinted out the room deidara's cries for help can be heard from outside.
Little (y/n) was having so much fun with the blonde man that she nearly missed the giant plant sticking out of the ground."whats with all the shouting-its annoying!" deidara was finally released from the demon child. Placing her down and taking a few steps back from her. (Y/n) saw the plant she noticed the yellow eyes. It encouraged her more to mess with them,"hello there-brat." She sat down facing the giant leaf thinking 'that's a big plant!'
Zetsu was enjoying his day-off until he hears a familiar girl scream it scared him almost ruining his beautiful roses. He investigated the the cause of his flowers near death. It was deidara trying to get away from little (y/n)s iron grip.
The baby finally let go of deidara as he tried to stay as far away from her as possible."what do you want brat?-hey don't be rude be nice to her,hi~" the giant plant man crawled out of the ground waving at her it seemed like his tall stature scared her a little making her cry "hey shut-up!!-oh no I'm sorry please don't cry" the plant man tried comforting her but made it worse. "Tobi is here to save the day with...sasori!!""why am I here? and why is the baby crying?" The red head pointed out. (y/n) quickly crawled away from the plant man grabbing sasori's coat hiding inside it poking her head out "ugh is this why you took me out of my room. I could have been making more puppets""tobi knows but she was pulling deidara-chan's hair and tobi was a good boy by getting help"
Tobi stood his ground saying what he did was heroic" what's up bitches!!" Hidan shouted bursting through the door making everyone jump from the out burst "hidan no cursing in front of the baby leader-Chan would be mad!" Tobi covered the baby's ears. "He's not here so why should I give a shit?" "You may not-but we do" zetsu sat down on the couch looking at little (y/n) shiver under sasori. "Sasori why is (y/n) in you coat?" Kakuzu asked
{it's a coat right? ('・_・') }
(Y/n) crawled around the room getting closer to the man in light green eyes. She pulled on his coat trying to get his attention but was ignored. "Kakuzu don't ignore little (y/n) she wants you to hold her! SEE!" Tobi held up the baby she made grabbing hands towards him but he walked away leaving the baby to cry.
>1 hour later<
Her cries continued "please (y/n)-chan it's okay look do you want food? Are you hungry? Is your diaper full? Here Mr.Zetsu you check""why do I have to check?!-that's gross!" The crying only got louder.
Kakuzu has had enough of it and went back to the living room grabbing the baby" shut it or I'll tell hidan to sacrifice you to jashin" he threatened her she giggled in response trying to grab his mask. He held her farther away from him. He sighed knowing if he left her she would cry again, Tobi and zetsu watched from the kitchen to see what would happen.
He sat down on the couch sitting the baby on his knee grunting at her making her giggle more.
"the crying has stopped?...Kakuzu I didn't know you were good with kids?" Itachi walked greeting the stitched man "neither did I..." "well I only came out to take little (y/n) out to get some fresh air" (y/n) got excited.
For a 2 year old baby things are amazing no matter what it is.
Itachi watched (y/n) get excited knowing she be out of the hide-out. He carried her out with a blanket and his favorite book to read.
{because what else would you do with a book}
Kisame was already at the lake swimming around. He felt a presence near by, he turned seeing his partner with little (y/n). Though she maybe a baby she likes to play around with him even if he is half shark. It's like his appearance doesn't faze her.
"Hey! Itachi are you going to swim with me?""no the baby was getting fussy in the hide-out and thought she might need some fresh air." Itachi placed down the blanket sitting down placing the baby next to him."(y/n) don't get to close to the water okay?" The baby nodded slowly inching her way closer to the lake. She stuck her hand in the water watching the fish swim around kisame saw her trying to grab the fish. "(Y/n) please be careful the fishes are more than what they seem"
Kisame swam laps around the lake and Itachi continued his book a green butterfly caught (y/n)'s attention following it into the trees.
~1 hour later~
Kisame noticed it's been quite for a while he looked around not finding (y/n) "uhh Itachi where's (y/n)??" The uchiha looked around realizing the giggling potato is gone"oh crap"
"IS THE BABY HERE?!" They bursted into hide-out looking for the baby "what do you mean where's the baby you took her outside remember""yes but she's gone and thought that maybe one of you guys took her" the shark man said throwing around the stuff.
Hours upon hours the akatsukis couldn't find the baby
"(Y/n) daddy's home!" 'Oh no' everyone began to panic standing in a line in front of pein."where's (y/n)? She usually greets me by the door." " oh it's cause..-""Tobi put (y/n)-chan to sleep!" Tobi cuts off Kakuzu "really? You must have really tired her out then shes basically an energy ball with feet," beside pein a water dropped from the ceiling, everyone looks up at the ceiling scared...(y/n) was sleeping upside down right above pein."what are you guys-""so how was the mission?? Bet you're tired why don't you go to bed" deidara grabbed peins shoulders pulling him to his room. He signaled for everyone to grab her. Zetsu tried reaching for her but was to short, hidan suggested about throwing things at her and was immediately told to sit on the couch. Kakuzu grabbed a broom and tried booping her but pushed her further away from everyone.
Tobi thought that jumping up reaching for her was possible in the end she nearly woke up. Sasori didn't bother trying. "(Y/n) isn't in her bed where is she?!" Pein boomed into the room making everyone hide what they had in their hands. "Well?" "Tobi is sorry! (Y/n) is-" he pointed up but she was gone"Tobi why are you pointing at the ceiling?"konan was holding a giggling (y/n) as she nibble on the paper rose "ah (y/n) there you are where was she?"Pein turned his back on everyone grabbing the bundle of joy.
Everyone was on their knees begging for her not to tell" she was in my room sleeping in the bed sheets.
"Okay-oh and everyone me and konan will be gone on a week mission next week so (y/n) will be here" pein walked towards his room dismissing everyone. Everyone sighed right when pein and (y/n) were about to turn a corner (y/n) laughed waving bye to the others.
Part 2?

Naruto various x reader❤️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon