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Narrator pov:
"Track down sasuke join up and the stop him! Then wait for the next orders in a safe place." Kakashi ordered us "huh? Did something happen to sasuke?!" Naruto questioned "ill tell you the reason en route let's go!" Sakura pulled Naruto out the hole. (Y/n) grabbed mark and Mr.Midnight following behind her.
"(Y/n) are we going on another mission?" Mark asked"yea let's say that" she placed mark down running beside Sakura and naruto. "Guys wait! I have to do something!" (Y/n) stopped picking up mark and his 'cat' friend "look mark im sorry about this" she apologized saying she'll be back in a bit. She poofed in irukas class everyone was studying but focused on (y/n) and mark"where's iruka-sensei?" (Y/n) asks the kids "he went somewhere but he'll come back in a bit" a girl commented from the back.
(Y/n) pov:
It's good enough"mark you have to stay here im sorry" I clapped my hands forcing a paralyze jutsu on him "it will release when I'm far from you Mr.Midnight I leave you in care for mark" I sternly told him he nodded. "Konohamaru...""yes?""don't do anything dumb" I poofed back with everyone running into what seemed to be the direction of where sasuke went.
Mark pov:
The moment she poofed away the jutsu released "no point in following her right buddy" he nodded I looked towards the class "....."".....""....""....""..hi" at that moment I regret talking all the girls ran at me tackling me into a hug"help!!" I quickly grabbed Mr.Midnight and flew up to the ceiling. "Please don't hurt me!!" I held onto my buddy the ravage females stared at me "please stop staring it's weird...huh? Oh hey bell!" I sat on her table facing her "uh?! Hello mark it's nice seeing you again" I sat next to her because well... I rather have her than a ravage animal on my back.
Iruka-sensei walked in telling us to follow him outside."hi iruka-sensei!" I waved at him he looked confused but didn't bother asking me why I'm there"okay! Everyone please move quickly!" We walked out the building as a group or somewhat I was surrounded Mr.Midnight was getting bothered by this as was I" hey can I walk please" the girls squeal in excitement "ugh" I grabbed bells hand and sprinted to the front with my cousin "thought we'll never get out of that" I let go I bell's hand "bell? You okay?" Before she could respond iruka-sensei cuts her off "okay! Stop! Get in a line! Okay everyone don't go off on your own."there was two other jounin "what's going on iruka-sensei? First I pass out then I'm here with you again.""it's best if you don't know mark" I sat down on the dirt drawing a funky face bell laughed at it"what? You can draw better than the great mark?""maybe" she swayed her body side to side looking away from me a girl leans over my back drawing a heart over the face I made "I love your drawing mark""okay thanks" I tried[key word:tried] to shift away from her but it collected more girls 'I just want to draw!!' I signaled for konohamaru he pulled me up"thanks cuz""no problem hey have you noticed the rainbow?""rainbow? Now that you mentioned it yes and I think my sister told me about it"
"(Y/n)! Look the rainbow is making the sun look pretty!" I pointed at the sun "mark don't stare at the sun for too long you'll burn your eyes and yes it is pretty it has a meaning behind it" I sat down next to her under the tree feeling the gentle breeze go by"really what does it mean?""well it can mean snakes a vile creature it is in the shinobi world" I sat down carefully watching the rainbow around the sun 'can it really be that bad'
•flashback over•
I watched the sun forgetting I'm turning blind. I look down grabbing the first thing to my right which was a shoulder."I can't see give me a minute sorry" my vision came back I was grabbing a random girls shoulder 'oh no' she was blushing making a tomato face "hey....are you okay?" My life flashed before my eyes I was pinned to the ground the heat from every female made me regret being a boy and that says a lot. Iruka-sensei grabbed my now official jounin jacket no it's not mine what I mean is that since this one doesn't fit (y/n) anymore grandpa gave me permission to wear it. It took a long time but I did it anyway back to the story.
"Mark you're going to be the death of me""tell that to Kakashi I lived with him for a couple days he got my morning complaints" He let go of my jacket I land on my feet. I quickly made my way to konohamaru and his friends pulling bell with me because why not, she doesn't drop me and make my life flash before my eyes more than once.
We talked about what we liked what, we didn't like, what animal was our favorite apparently she likes cats too Mr.Midnight hears her say that and curls up on her lap playing with her hair."Mr.Midnight you don't randomly do that to girls that's rude""no it's fine, Mid doesn't bother me at all...""....Mid?""oh sorry it's just a little nickname for him""no it's fine hm maybe that should be his nickname Mid short for Mr.Midnight" we laughed at his nickname he just ignored us still playing with her hair"he's a heavy one isn't he""yea he's a fat cat" I poked his stomach in return I get a new scratch on my finger" hey mark why do you wear that mouth cover?"" I'm sick??" I swear I just sounded retarded I wanted to dig myself up and never come back again."oh okay it makes sense"
"Hey bell do you know what happened to (random boys name)?"
[i never gave the kid an official name so you choose]
"Yea he moved to a different village but he said that he'll be most likely back in the chunin exams" she stroked Mr.Midnights head, he purred leaning closer to her hand.
"Oh...okay I didn't even had the chance to say bye""don't worry Mark you'll see him again at the chunin exams""yea...I hope"

I hope"🍓🍡🍓🍡🍓🍡🍓🍡🍓🍡🍓🍡🍡🍓🍡🍓🍡🍓🍡

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