A new chapter begins: the chunin exams

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🍓That's marks mouth cover
      We walk out of the house saying our goodbyes to grandpa I checked my pockets to see if I have my money pouch,"what the? I could have sworn I had it here a second ago?""are you looking for this?" Mark raised up my little money pouch "ehehe yea I must have dropped it thanks" I sweat dropped grabbing my small bag Mr.midnight meowed loudly every five seconds" mark can you please calm down that kitten" he starts to pet him but he wouldn't stop I grabbed the kitten holding him up to my face"either you quiet down or I'll make you"the rest of the walk he hasn't made a squeak. We arrived to the house just in time to see Naruto get beat up by the lady for ripping up her herbs."hey guys I guess we haven't missed anything" I hear sasuke snort quietly in the back,"hey why is mark wearing a mask?"Sakura asked,"oh it's cause I ha-"" he's sick and it's very contagious and before you say shouldn't he be in bed well he needs to have fresh air or he won't get better" I cut mark off before he says anything"oh okay"
We went to the lake to pick up trash and when I mean we I mean Naruto Sakura sasuke and for some reason mark wanted to help as well. Kakashi was reading his book by the tree as I just sat in one of the branches actually supervising them. Naruto being Naruto slipped on a rock washing away getting closer to the waterfall. I wanted to see what would happen but I went either way I quickly flew to the edge mark grabbing on to Narutos foot as sasuke grabbed on to mark both saying"you idiot"
   Next dog walking I loved the dogs here in konoha, knowing mark he would want to help as well. He picked a big dog like Naruto only this one listened and let him hop on his back."h-hey don't go over there!...Hey please stop!" Naruto shouted being dragged by the big dog"that fool...""-sigh- he stubbornly chose that big dog" "bye Naruto nice knowing you!" I shouted. we watched him get pulled in the mine field explosions erupting from the other side of the fence. Naruto reappears on the other side the dog being perfectly fine while Naruto is burned to a crisp. Mark runs up to him asking if he's fine Naruto just responded with a puff of smoke of defeat. Mark grabbed the dogs leash and lightly pulled him to the other dogs with ease.'wow what a day' I thought "hey (y/n) can you give us a hand?" Sakura asked holding Narutos side I picked up Naruto like a sac of potatoes."HEY WHY ARE YOU HOLDING ME LIKE THIS?!""because you can't walk right"simple answer.I dropped naruto down as he started to argue with sasuke 'boys' I hear a shrieks in the sky hey it's the bird..."well then...perhaps we should disperse (y/n) and I do need to submit a report about this mission" Kakashi also noticing the bird in the sky."well I going home then" sasuke walks away heading home""oh!hey!sasuke wait for me!" sasuke being his rude self turned down sakura s request of training together."sakura! Just let sasuke be and let's practice together!" oh no' "we'll I got to go bye mark I be right back have fun!" and disappeared with Kakashi.
Marks pov:
'SHE LEFT ME!!' A square rock comes crawling towards Naruto. I pulled his sleeve he sees it and starts running back and forth as the rock followed him I just stood there watching them back and forth," there's no such thing as a perfectly square rock with perfect holes! It's totally obvious!" "That's what I expected from my rival"'what the?' The box exploded revealing konohamaru and his friends"hey! That's too much gunpowder!" They all introduced themselves"hey cuz!" Konohamaru noticed me and gave me a big hug"HEY I haven't seen you in a while how you been?" "Good and you?""pretty good too""why are you all wearing goggles?" Konohamaru turned,"we'rejust coping what you used to do,bro!"
The talked about playing ninja"I wanna play cuz!"it's being a while since I actually acted my age because all the training I was doing."sure but we Need Naruto to play""humph!why would a ninja play ninja?"Sakura stalked to us...'she seems done with life"w-what is it?""Naruto,who's she? Huh! You've been busier than I thought, bro...huh! Is she your...this?" Konohamaru sticks out his pinky. I looked at Sakura 'yep she is gonna kill him'"shucks,you guys are pretty sharp for kids!""no way!" And there goes Naruto flying away into the fence."what are you doing?!" I run up to Sakura telling her to calm down I latched on her arm to stay in place,"you ugly wench!ugly wench!" Well he asked for it I let go of her arm. She cracks her knuckles bonking konohamaru"Sakura! Can you teach me how to punch like that?!" Her strength has been absolutely amazing ever since I met her I mean (y/n) strength surpasses everyone but I want to take it little by little so I start here!"sure let's start now" 'yes!!' We started walking away when we hear "Darn that broad-fore headed ugly wench! Is she a girl for real?" That seemed to catch in her ear because she turns menacingly towards them. "Yikes" Sakura starts chasing them 'oh no' I sprint up to konohamaru I was about to fly up but we run into a guy with face pant and funny cat ears and a girl with a big fan. Mr.midnight starts meowing at them "that hurt...""huh?"(Y/n) pov:
I sat down on the floor relaxing against the wall while Kakashi turned in the report" so I have formally received the report from you. Is Naruto getting along with the others?" Iruka asks"hm? Well, he's doing okay."" I haven't seen him since his return I'm concerned about him""hey Iruka have you missed me too or just Naruto?" I asked with my eyes still closed." Well y-yea (y-y/n) hey wanna get food sometime t-talk about what we missed??" He asked with hope"sure I don't see why not" I hear Kakashi scoff at what I said to Iruka....why do I feel Like something's wrong?
Mark pov:
"That hurt, little punk!" Kitty ears pulled harder on konohamaru he held me higher in the air"stop that. You'll get yelled at later!" The girl told him"I'm sorry.. I was fooling around" "hey stop! Let go of that hand!""let's play with them before the strict one comes around.""let go!" Konohamaru starts kicking the guy"you're pretty lively, you like punk""please let go sir we didn't mean to hurt you we were just playing" I told him honestly we were running for our lives or they were I was just trying to keep one alive."you seem familiar kid but you're probably not him"'what's he talking about?'"you jerk!"Naruto starts running to the guy he throughs me to his other arm holding me in place Mr.midnight fell out of my hood whining wanting to be in the warmth again Naruto fell over nothing"what was that?!""leaf village's genie are weaker than I thought.""hey if you don't let go of them I won't forgive you! You fool!" Sakura holds him in a head lock"you're ticking me off I don't like runts anyway makes me want to break them""it's not on me" the girl sighed. The cat guys grip loosen around me as a rock came shooting towards his hand letting go of konohamaru and me"what do you the you're doing in someone else's villages you..." sasuke came just in time. I got up quickly picking up Mr.Midnight and dragging konohamaru with me to the guys sasuke breaks the rock with ease 'yep I found my next trainer'"Naruto, you're lame!""konohamaru tell me something I don't know" I placed my hand on his shoulder"s-stupid! I would've quickly taken down that thug too!"Naruto tried to cover up his faliure."hey come down here you little punk""wait you aren't thinking of using crow, are you?!"she shouted"kankuro, stop that" a guy with red hair hanging upside down spoke out" you're an embarrassment to our village""g-gaara "
(Y/n) pov:
"There is a reason I summon you all here and from the faces you see around you, I assume you already understand." Grandpa said I stood by Kakashi holding the back of his jacket nervous it's started early this time in a week the chunin exams will begin.

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