Lets call it a day...

604 21 2

(Y/n) pov:
I woke up with the biggest headache thinking what the hell did I do yesterday. I rolled off my bed landing on top of yin and yang. They growled at me because of the extra weight waking them up from their slumber."ight sorry jeez" I sat myself on my bed remembering what I did yesterday 'oh yea my birthday' ah yes my birthday I still have my little piñata. Well then.....I checked on mark he was still sleeping but spread out on the floor.
I left a note for him saying I went shopping for clothes. I got ready for the day brushing my teeth, brushing my hair I made breakfast for me and for Mark to eat later, I fixed my mask against mouth opening the door locking it behind me scratching on the door was heard on the other side. I opened it again yin and yang ran out wanting to join me," okay then"
We walked to the stores picking out clothes for me to wear and extra shoes for future purposes I found a cute black bow tie with dots on it 'Mr.Midnight would look fancy in this' I smiled placing it in my bag,"and that's it lets go"the day was still early we passed by the training grounds some streamers were still floating on the trees from yesterday. "(Y/n)!! Hey wait up!!" I look around me kiba and akamaru were running up to me,"hello kiba akamaru how are you?""great hey let's take that stroll we mentioned days ago""sure"
We sat down next to a lake talking about the exam that is happening tomorrow" are you taking Mark with you again""maybe its if he wants to" yin, yang, and akamaru were wrestling behind us as we talked together they went at it for hours."bet yin and yang will take down akamaru" I told him"nah akamaru will beat them he's stronger than he looks!" In the end yin was the real winner yang was hiding behind a tree and akamaru was in kibas sweater."akamaru what happened man you lost to a girl""and you lost to a guy who farted on you...that's even more sad" I laughed at him remembering his fight with Naruto. I got a glare from him he mumbled words saying it's was uncalled for and it wasn't fair that he lost because of it."it's okay kiba you'll get him next time." I pat his back he blushed deeply looking away."if there is a next time" yang ran up to us jumping over and into the lake."awe really yang you know you have to shower later right!" He only continued to paddle around in circles ignoring my little threat."fine then" yin ran in too with akamaru close behind"akamaru not you too" kiba rubbed him face with his hand"I just took him a shower"
~hours later~
"Well kiba this was fun but I have to go home and get ready for tomorrow's event""okay bye (y/n) akamaru let's go home!" The small pup swam up to kiba yin and yang came out shaking the water out of their coats wetting me and kiba"HEY?!" both of us shouted at them.
"Really guys?" I waved bye to kiba I made a B-line towards home. "MARK IM HOME!" it was silent in the house hold"hm where could he be?" A loud crash happened upstairs and a rough landing down the stairs mark groan in pain"mark what are you doing??" I helped him up"I was trying to scare you once you entered the room but I slipped and flipped down the stairs""mark....welcome to failure 101 anyway come help me shower yin and yang they swam in the lake""okay and Mr.Midnight will shower too!" 'The bow tie, I'll give it to him later' mark ran up the stairs almost falling again into the room he carried Mr.Midnight in my shoulders sideways"okay let's go!"
I pulled out the small pool for yin yang and Mr.Midnight to fit in together. Yin and Mr.Midnight sat patiently in the water getting shampooed and rinsed yang couldn't staying one place he keeps moving back and forth around the pool avoiding the shampoo. Yin was done first the towel sat on her head waiting for her brother to be done. Mr.Midnight was done second he sat down in the sun air drying his fur. Yang wasn't even half way finished"mark I'll hold him in place and you put the shampoo"I whispered to him he nodded. I leaped going to his side almost falling in. He struggled a lot but stayed in one place. Now the rinsing at the same time we threw the buck of water on yang his fur drenched in cold water"okay yang you're done" he walked out shaking the water off making him fur poof up into a fur ball with feet" mark go dry him I go threw the water okay""okay" mark just threw a towel on his head and left with Mr.Midnight following behind"oh wow thanks his fur is amazingly dry now really appreciate it""your welcome" I tipped the pool letting the water run down until there was no water left.
Yang jumped around his sister wanting to play she just stared at him."yin play with your brother come on what's the worse that can happen" she gave me a face say'so many things can happen' I laid down on the grass watching the clouds pass by mark laid down next to me Mr.Midnight slumping his head on marks stomach"so the exam is tomorrow can I go?" I sighed crossing my arms behind my head"sure why not it's your choice""cool"
You humans are amazing I'm so freaking surprised so many people read this!! I would like to say thank you for the amazing amount of views and the votes
I would like to personally thank
ElementalReaper9000   for going crazy on the votes😁😅
*waves good bye*

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