The Tenth Question

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(Y/n) pov:
I knew I should have eaten something before I left mark with the food he's probably enjoying my food by now.
"I am the proctor for the second exam! Anko mitarashi! Let's move onto the next stage! Follow me!" She shouted 'oh god not her I'm still having nightmares about her!!'
"This is the location for the second exam, the 44th training field also known as...the forest of death Hey (y/n) you remember these trees don't cha?!" I shiver at the memories that flashed in my head, the training I had with her and grandpa oh so many embarrassing moments happened in one day. I sat with the other guys talking about what types of food are they planning to eat later. A small box follows Naruto running back and forth 'what the?' "Hey, konohamaru! What is it that you want?!" Naruto shouted Konohamaru's friends pop out of the box powder extended everywhere....the interview I forgot about that well then I continued my conversation with the guys anko came beside me holding me in a headlock,"well (y/n) how bout you and me do our training once more in the forest?" She gave me an evil eye "n-nah I'm training is done I just have to work on the scrolls..."'FUCK WHY DID I SAY THAT?!?!'"oh well then if you need help you know who to call!!" She lets go of my head making me sigh in relief. Anko began to explain about the next part of the exam I just balanced the pencil on my nose not really paying attention to them the guys seemed to have the same idea it looked like a battle to see who can balance the pencil on their nose the longest. I nudged the guy next to me making a domino effect on them the pencils fall on the table I grabbed mine shouting in victory.
The teams have come by to get their scrolls I stood by gate 16 talking to hinata I went up to kiba I grabbed akamaru squishing his face I kissed his forehead."hey what about me (y/n)?" Kiba pointed himself I kissed his nose"good luck guys!!" I hugged Hinata and Shino the gates opened as they sprinted their way in."do you think they'll be fine?" I asked."well they might make it out in one piece""thanks very reassuring" I deadpanned I walked back to anko" hey bet in 30 seconds someone's gonna yell""okay then" she looked back to the trees in exactly 30 seconds someone starts yelling. I laughed a little not in a rude way but it's just the timing of it was perfect. "Hey (y/n) why are you laughing you yelled just like that maybe even worse than that hehehe"" oh shut up I was alone and I didn't have a team what was supposed to do not yell when someone is chasing me with a sharp kunai" she laughed at me remembering my failures in the forest telling me about some of the best ones she remembers. 'The fire I tried to make but it started to rain, the shelter on a tree but the wind knocked it over, and the food I tried to get but was stolen by other animals'. I just walked away laying down on a rock looking at the sky 'man I wish shikamaru was here well it wouldn't really be a difference the silence would still be there but at least some ones next to me
I sighed looking at the night sky the clouds making it harder to see the stars I sat up on the roof looking at the houses the lights in each house turning off. Some rocks that where on the roof helped me think I either throw them or crush them. I threw a rock accidentally hitting someone,"hey?! That hurt!" I crawled over the edge a male stood there rubbing his head,"sorry I didn't mean to hurt you" I pulled my mask up higher almost covering my eyes."it's okay but...where are you?""up here" I waved at him he had pineapple hair it was weirdly cute. He jumped onto the roof asking me why I was here and not in bed sleeping like everyone else"why aren't you home sleeping like everyone else?" I asked " well I fell asleep again at the training area and I woke up realizing it's pass my curfew...why are you here?"" I'm always at the roof looking at the stars...I like to look at the stars it's weird but it calms me down"" no it's cute...I-I mean that you you're ugh forget it's" I giggled at his attempt to talk"okay then would you like to see the stars with me or are you gonna be in trouble if you don't get home right away?""I can stay for a bit" we laid down on the roof pointing out the stars that were visible to us."so what's your name?""shikamaru, you?""(y/n)"
•flashback over•
Over the years that I've been gone he probably forgot about me obviously we only met for one day. I looked at the sky almost falling asleep."(y/n) wake up we have a problem we have to get to the forest as fast as well can!" I flopped off the rock sprinting beside anko,"what's wrong?, what did I miss?!" I shouted to her "I can't explain we just have to hurry before anyone gets hurt!" I am so confused like what the heck the kids are in the forest of death it's way to late to make sure anyone hasn't been hurt and that's its purpose. I see loads of snakes roaming the area 'that's weird there isn't usually snakes here just really big bugs and other animals but snakes I don't think I remember any snakes when I was here for my training'."anko the sun is starting to set I don't think we have time for whatever we're doing" I stopped on a tree branch next to her. I started to think 'snakes' 'hm think(y/n) think this must connect to something'"orochimaru" my eyes widen at realization. I sat on the ground crossing my fingers together thinking of his unusual chakra. I growled knowing where he is I sprinted tree to tree with anko close behind me. We found him.

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