Dark Mistress

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I sat in the tree listening to Jiraiya talk about two different chakras."for example?""for example there is summoning jutus that I'm going to teach you today and there's (y/n) she uses two different chakras but uses it on only very important occasions (y/n)! Show him the other chakra of yours"".....okay" I hop off the tree walking to naruto," okay naruto watch carefully" I made a one-handed jutsu opening my other chakra which is from my clans side "Dark Mistress" a black chakra glows around me nearly every shadow near me was sucked in making her I stopped before she was completely done I haven't had a good relationship with her. She's rude and Jiraiya told me to be the dominant one but she's leaving me no choice but to go that far."wow (y/n) that's so cool!!""yes it is have you fixed your problem?"I shook my head no"no? Well then you know what to do then""yes I do" I walked back to the tree sitting in the shade. "I'll be gone for a bit so don't hold up""wasn't planning to either way anyway..."
I closed my eyes letting the dark chakra surround me deep within me she lives inside of me waiting for her to be released. Which is very unlikely.
"Hello mistress"
"Ah (y/n) finally realize that you can't handle me anymore"
"Nope just here to talk"
"Talk that's the first why so sudden"
"Because we need to talk"
"Do we now we have nothing to talk about"
"Actually we have plenty"
"Us we have to work together"
"No we don't I'm my own person I can do what I want"
"Correction you're a shadow my shadow and you have to listen to me"
"And if I don't ooo~ you're going to cry"
"Nope I can seal you in a scroll and forbid you from ever being open ever again"
"Do you really think I'll fall for that"
She flew around me taunting me
"That's what I thought well I brought the scroll let's see here"
"A silly scroll isn't going to convince me"
" for a mistress you're not very nice"
"Who says mistresses are nice"
"Funny fine let's make a deal"
"Now you speaking my language what is it?"
"Well you listen to my commands and I'll make sure not to get too picky with you"
"Hmmm no I have a better deal"
"And that is"
"I take half your body"
"Well then no"
"So you prefer to be here in the dark than be out fighting with me?"
"Better than listening to you every "master" I get is so commanding telling me how to fight what's right what's wrong I'm done"
"Hm well that can be arranged"
"How but when I summon you you fight your way that way we both get what we want"
"So your saying I can go out fight my way and you won't overreact"
"Yes but I will tell you the person is that fine with you?"
"Hmm it seems fair enough just don't over do or else I will too"
"Okay bye mistress"
I opened my eyes seeing Naruto inches away"may I help you?""yea! How did it go?""she was persistent but I managed" I felt a pinch in my side probably from her 'sorry'."hey want to see my frog?!""sure let's see what you got""summoning jutsu!" A small tadpole appears on the rock flopping around."AWWE ITS SO CUTE AND TINY!!""ugh I'll never get it right because Pevy sage keeps stalking girls!!!""its research!!""want to meet mine?""yeah!""summoning shadow jutsu: dark mistress!" The shadows around become one revealing mistress. She looks different in the outside world. She looks around floating near naruto she gives a dark aura around her but that's how she is. "Summoned me already awe were you getting bullied it's okay I got it""no no no no he just wanted to see you that's all but since you're here look around everything changed from back then""it has hasn't it""mistress what a splendid surprise I miss that body of yours""ugh he's still alive?!""apparently so""well I got to go bye"
I got home greeted by mark"hey where have you been? I've being dealing with two whiney dogs and a cat do you know how stress full that is for a 4 year old??""you sound like a house wife angry her husband came a second late""you better take me somewhere tomorrow or else and yins better dinners in the kitchen I already ate""mark....I think you're a house wife now""no I'm not" he dramatically ran out the room fake crying shouting my husband doesn't love me anymore"hehehe okay sorry honey I'll make it up tomorrow" I walked to the kitchen meeting grandpa"you missed the meeting""I know sorry I was talking with mistress""really now how did it go?""it went well me made agreements learned a little something and yea""I'm going to need you for something tomorrow but then again I won't Iruka will be at the heads of the past hokages so be there.""ight then"

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